Day: September 14, 2012


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    I wish I could say that my blog has simply been having issues and I haven’t been able to post and that is true BUT I haven’t even thought about posting because I have an almost 4 year old daughter who has decided to revert back to BABY status. She is no longer potty trained which is the biggest issue and puts me in a bad mood daily. She also throws fits, asks for sippies, doesn’t listen, and she told me that I have 3 babies now! So it has been a long month and there is no end in sight at this point….

    Maybe her first wasp sting changed her into a monster?!?

    Cali is a very good big sister to Raymond.

    And she just peed her pants again as I type this! ahhhhh! this is exhausting.  I have tried positive reinforcement and negative punishments, and nothings is working. At this point I have given up. I am in ignoring stage, hoping the problem will fix itself or at least give me some time to regroup and power up for another round of potty training. Luckily life does go on and we have had plenty of fun amid the tantrums of our eldest daughter.

    The sun still rises (and I enjoy watching it come over the mountain when I happen to look at the right time).

    Skylanders is still a favorite for the boys.

    Love this outfit. So ugly it’s cute.

    Packer decided to change the family room into a LIBRARY one day!!

    Library was a success. We did lots of reading for 3 days.

    Categories: Cali, General