Month: March 2019

    Tiago’s Homework

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    Is Tiago getting smarter or just better at guessing his letters? Either way he is the cutest little Upstart User that I know! Millie is signed up for the program but I make them both do it every morning and it has been GREAT for them.

    Categories: Tiago

    Comfort and Goals

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    It seems like when you really set goals and try to reach them there often comes discouragement. I think it’s important to keep pushing forward and keep going even if it is hard or uncomfortable.

    Categories: Jana

    Advice from the Hinckley’s

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    I am really here. Am I really living? Do my actions show my love for God? Do my children and family and friends and God know what is important to me because of how I live?

    Go Forward and Love Life. Change you attitude. Accentuate the Positive.

    These quotes help me contemplate the way that I am living and spending my time. They help me have an eternal and positive outlook.

    Categories: General

    Glow Play

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    Rose had her 2nd Grade Glow Play today! She was one of the SunFlowers and got to do a short solo and sing with the other Flower. She LOVED being in the play and had EVERYONEs lines memorized and Sang her heart out in the chorus 🙂

    Categories: Rose

    Packer to the Temple!

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    Packer went to the Jordan River Temple with the Deacons Quorum! HE LOVED IT. He came back so happy and excited and begging to go back – like tomorrow – can we? March 21 was his first time doing baptisms and confirmations in the Temple.

    Categories: Packer

    Spring is in the Air

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    It felt so nice to have some sunny days! We played outside so much. Front yard. Back yard. Bikes and scooters. Neighborhood kids everywhere, cousins in and out, and we invited over some new friends! The kids were so happy to be able to play outside in the fresh air. We even spent an hour at Discovery park!

    Millie was so excited to open her Froot by the Foot and find 2 of them in the one wrapper – BEST DAY EVER!

    And they just had to put the bow on Becker! By the time I got the camera out he was having none of that.

    Categories: Millie, Tiago