Month: September 2021

    Lake Comanche #4

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    Friday was our last day of the reunion! I decided to get up early and try to find some wakeboarding glass with the DAWN PATROL:

    BUT after myself and a few of the boys wake boarded we realized that the boat was messed up and there was a pin missing under the boat that was letting the wedge down and throwing a BIG wake. We called the boat support number and checked a bunch of things but with the missing pin there wasn’t much we could do and the hydrolics were getting banged around underneath so we had to pull the boat out of the water for the day.

    The cool part was that we had everyone on shore together since the boat was broken and that was SO SO FUN! I love just hanging out with all these people.

    We stopped in town for dinner on the way home that night and then we had to get MOSTLY packed up so we could drive home Saturday!

    Categories: Robertson

    Silver Lake 7/29 Thursday

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    Started out as a beautiful day with some kayaking and spike ball – – – and then the Hail came!!

    Back at the cabin: BLUE SKIES: watermelon bursting contest!

    And some COOB?


    Categories: Robertson

    Wednesday RIVER day!

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    We went to tiger creek and jumped off the rocks and did the water slides. I don’t have pictures cause I left my phone in the car and was in the river most of the time! and then after lunch a few of us headed to the other river: my brain isn’t letting me remember the name of it…

    Categories: Robertson

    Tuesday 7/27 – Back to the Lake!

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    Why not do ANOTHER day at the warm lake with the big fast boat!! That’s what we figured. We ended up having all of us sisters and the mother on the boat at the same time!

    I surfed Tiago – my first time helping someone else!

    And Tracie dominated and made Reese surf with her and her prego self – so that was entertaing.

    And poor Ben got insta headache as soon as he got up! His head was killing him every time he went behind the boat. Such a bummer for him. And Christy showed us how to sit surf!!

    Meanwhile back at shore we just soaked in the sun and the water and the soda and the snacks and tried to watch the boys do tricks on the wakeboard…

    Categories: Robertson

    Monday 7/26 – Lake Comanche #2

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    We got up Monday morning and headed the hour back to the lake!!! The Water mat thing is pretty fun! Lots of king of the mountain and wrestling matches and a little bit of relaxing and sun bathing. We were on shore for the first run and then we got to try to Wakeboard!

    We headed in a tiny bit early cause it was our night to make Tacos for the crew!

    Categories: Robertson

    CA – here we come

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    We headed out Friday morning with a BIG box on top of the car!! And with Carter and Gavin in the car.

    We had a smooth uneventful drive which is what we pray for. We got to the cabin and set up our tent and hung out with peeps that were also there early! And then Saturday we woke up and headed to Lake Comanche!

    THAT WAS A KILLER SATURDAY. We got to Surf and knee board and tube! We were WIPED. We hit Taco Bell on the way back to the cabin that night.

    Categories: Robertson


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    The olympic summer games were on. We missed most of it being gone to CA but it was fun to watch when we could!

    Categories: General

    Middle of July

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    We went to PG POOL!! With the Hancocks! and my kids don’t need me to help them swim anymore! so weird

    The Milwaukee BUCKS won the NBA Finals!!! Champions!

    I love when the kids ride their BIKES

    Reading a book! I love when I have time to read – Megan loaned me 4 books and I’m making my way through them: And Ben got me an early anniversary gift so that we could take it to ROBERTSON reunion!

    The pool and pump have been giving me problems but I’m trying to keep up with it and the kids still LOVE to swim:

    And now our bags are packed and we are ready to go to the California Cabin. Woot Woot!

    Categories: General, Hancock