Day: February 1, 2014


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    We brought the Wiggle Cars up from the basement this week… all of our hard floor is conducive to good riding. The kids just fly around and around in circles. There is lots of giggling. It is fun for all ages. It has been a long winter but we are finding ways to survive:

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    Categories: General

    the almost 2 year old

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    Raymond is at that perfect age. I can sit and watch him for hours. He plays and laughs and explore’s. He mimics what he hears and tries to say new words everyday. He gives great hugs and smiles and has started saying BYE to everyone that comes over.

    Uncle Brady is seeing if Ray is big enough for "flippees" - he was too scared.

    Uncle Brady is seeing if Ray is big enough for “flippees” – he was too scared.

    He won't use his booster seat anymore at the table.

    He won’t use his booster seat anymore at the table.

    Trying on Dad's shoes :)

    Trying on Dad’s shoes 🙂

    and he is still a great sleeper

    and he is still a great sleeper

    Categories: Raymond