Day: February 17, 2016

    Feb Fun

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    Here’s some Feb Fun:

    The kids love making Valentine boxes! Benji made a book, Cali did a cute heart box and Pack made a Mine Craft Treasure chest.

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    Mine Craft is a favorite around here. It’s the one game that all of the kids will play together.

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    We went out for Appetizers and Dessert for LaNells birthday. And then we swapped Ben for Michelle and hit a 10pm chick flick.


    This is what happens when you let Brady babysit 🙂


    Cute kids on Sunday:

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    Ray’s special birthday treat from the Bowens!


    Tiago loves being at the table with us. He Will Eat Anything! and Ben made us a yummy valentine treat 🙂

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    And if the blankets are all in the loft already and there is no school on Monday then the parents let them sleep out there again. (we would have survived ok in a two room cabin I think)


    Ben cleaned all of the bathrooms on Saturday for me!!

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    Ben and I keep going Back and forth on the Popeye high score. The kids are starting to get more into the arcade games.

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    Here are the 22 deer that I saw from Amanda’s house the other day! amazing


    Ben and the kids made a snowman and named him George for Presidents day:


    Categories: General