The Latest


    I’ll let the pictures do the talking, (for the most part).

    Fathers Day!

    Fathers Day!

    Funny Face Boys - Cali was asleep and she didn't match!

    Funny Face Boys - Cali was asleep and she didn't match!

    I got BBen a cool kite for his birthday - It's a big power kite so it needs some decent wind - we tried several times so far but no luck yet. The same day that we waited 4 hours for wind we finally gave up and went to dinner - at dinner the wind was blowing the food right off our plates! not cool

    I got Ben a cool kite for his birthday – It’s a big power kite so it needs some decent wind – we tried several times so far but no luck yet. The same day that we waited 4 hours for wind we finally gave up and went to dinner – at dinner the wind was blowing the food right off our plates! not cool

    Cali trying to be a big girl. She has decided that she doesn't like rice cereal :( She wants real food.

    Cali trying to be a big girl. She has decided that she doesn’t like rice cereal – She wants real food.

    Tracie and John came and played on Friday. I wish I had free flights like them! and I wish I had all the pre-parenting energy that they still have!

    Tracie and John came and played on Friday. I wish I had free flights like them! and I wish I had all the pre-parenting energy that they still have!

    I'm glad Benji got a haircut - why didn't anyone tell me that he NEEDED one?

    I’m glad Benji got a haircut – why didn’t anyone tell me that he NEEDED one?

    Cali's new basketball blanket - LaNell and I are doing everything that we can to make her a baller!

    Cali’s new basketball blanket – LaNell and I are doing everything that we can to make her a baller!

    Cali zonked out on LaNell's lap - this was the day that she didn't wake up for 17 hours and then she fell asleep 2 hours later - that was not a new trend however - she barely takes one nap these days. We like when Coach Brown is off for the summer.

    Cali zonked out on LaNell’s lap – this was the day that she didn’t wake up for 17 hours and then she fell asleep 2 hours later – that was not a new trend however – she barely takes one nap these days. We like when Coach Brown is off for the summer.

    We went to the parade on Saturday morning - it rained right before show time so the boys hid in the stroller.

    We went to the parade on Saturday morning – it rained right before show time so the boys hid in the stroller.

    At the Parade - Benji caught on to the candy idea pretty quickly and rounded up a good stash - Packer was a little slow this year.

    At the Parade – Benji caught on to the candy idea pretty quickly and rounded up a good stash – Packer was a little slow this year.

    AND TODAY the US SoCCER TEAM beat the number 1 RANKED Spain!! in the Confederations Cup. I love WATCHING SPORTS. LOVE IT.

    The Night before Last I decided to roller blade on a new trail – it was getting dark so I took the dog. It was a great trail ( not much of a workout because the dog pulled me the whole time.) To make a long story short I hit a branch and tripped and the dog kept going so I got pulled across the pavement a little – I haven’t had skinned knees in a long time!

    Summer is going too quickly 🙁

    Categories: General

    2 Replies to “The Latest”

    1. Good next week I will try out the trail with you. This week my family is in town so it is like I am not here.

    2. Hey, from the street sign I see you’re sitting under during the parade, we were just almost across the street from you! We need to talk more. 🙂

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