All Tied Up


    We are having another little girl! It will be equal number of boys and girls and that is what is most important when you are 3-5 years old 🙂 Cali is still clueless but has taken to talking to my stomach. Packer cried because he wanted a brother so we bribed him with getting a new bunk bed because the girls will need his bed. And Benji just thinks it’s good cause we will have 3 boys in the family and now 3 girls. We are excited!! Can the next 4 months go quickly please? 🙂

    Radiologist said I’m measuring about a week small so baby might not come until October.

    Radiologist also found an EIF in the heart, I don’t know exactly what that means, my Dr. said it means a chance of the baby having Down Syndrome. Wikipedia says this:

    Categories: General, Nettesheim

    11 Replies to “All Tied Up”

    1. You should totally paint the girls room this summer. I could help!! Do the boys love the bunk beds?

    2. Wow, Jana! Congrats on your growing family! Your little ones are so cute and are all very Robertson looking! Love it! Good luck with your sweet little baby, we hope everything goes ok with her. Gotta love the baby girls!

    3. hmm so that means I better have twin boys so we can have 4 and 4 huh i’m may be ok with that, but kev will probably go crazy.

    4. So she has the echogenic focus huh? Sadee had the same thing! They did tests up the whazoo and wanted to do the amniocintisis, but I wouldn’t let them. I figured we’d love her no matter what and it wouldn’t change a lot. When she was born, they rushed her off and did lots of tests. As you know, no Downs, but she had holes in her heart and her flaps weren’t closing properly. She was going to be ok though. When we went to the Cardiologist 9 months later, her heart was fine and healed. It’s funny, cause Sadee is our smallest one and she’s our fiestiest too. She’s definitely a fighter and I guess she had to be to overcome all of her heart conditions. Love you guys! I know everything will be fine. But if you need someone to talk to, you know I’m hear for ya.

    5. jana I’m just now reading this b/c I’ve been on major blog hiatus (it’s been great) but anyway, so excited you are having a girl! I love even numbers. That is a little scary about the heart…but like Brittney said I do think that even “normal” babies can have that. I know when I was born I had a hole but they never knew exactly why…my dad gave me a blessing and I turned out fine in a matter of days! (Well, I guess “fine” is a relative term…) ha ha So…glad to know that so far things are ok.

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