YUM or YUCK?

    Ben made Sunday dinner and surprised us all with Meat Loaf!! I HATED meatloaf as a kid. I remember choking it down. I was a picky eater and there were lots of things that I didn’t eat but I remember meat loaf being on the top of that list along with Cauliflower Soup. Well – I am happy to say that I enjoyed the meatloaf, it was even yummy and we’ll be eating it again Tuesday night for leftovers ( I also happen to LOVE Cauliflower soup now too). Now the kids seemed to have a different opinion of the meal… Cali ate a lot of potatoes and a little meat and got away with it. Packer ate everything but the meat and then with encouragement ate the meat loaf in a few ginormous bites. Benji was not a happy eater. He was literally gagging it down. Picking out the onions, swallowing with water and doing his best to eat it so that he could have a smoothie that night. I felt so bad for him because I KNOW that it doesn’t taste good and he wasn’t just being PICKY. It was very hard to watch him suffer through that process. Anyone else out there LIKE meat loaf?? I don’t think this will become a regular meal around here but it was a nice change from the regular 10 meals that I know how to make.

    On a side note – – my husband has discovered “The Hunger Games”, I don’t think he has read a novel since before we got married but this one has finally captured his attention. I’m supposed to be the reader. I’m supposed to be the one ignoring all to get through the next chapter and picking up the book during any and every free moment. I’m really not used to this. I think he is almost done with it though, then our house won’t be so quiet at night and I might not get as many evening blog posts out! I think I like him reading. I just need to make sure that I have a book on hand now.

    Categories: Ben, General

    8 Replies to “MEAT LOAF??”

    1. That’s one of the funniest entries you’ve posted! I laughed out loud when I saw those pictures and read the meatloaf descriptions. Our poor kids… but I figure a kids not a kid if they haven’t been forced to eat their meatloaf. At least now we have something to threaten them with? “Do you want Dad to make his meatloaf?!!!”

    2. Okay, folks, what is the difference between hamburgers and meatloaf…..nothing!!!!! except for maybe a bun. meatloaf is ground beef. You know we love meatloaf at our house and our kids love it, too. i guess we’re just better parents than you are. 🙂 maybe since i have no friends i should read that hunger games book or books…isn’t it a series?

    3. I HATED meatloaf as a kid and still won’t eat it. Everyone used to say…”Try my meatloaf. You will love it and change your mind.” I tried them all and hated them all. Needless to say, my kids grew up meatloafless. And Joe has reminded me of that several times because he loves meatloaf. I do LOVE the Hunger Games. Shauna sent them home with me from Tennessee and I think everyone in your family and quite possibly the neighborhood has read them. Interesting book to think about. They stayed on my mind for quite a while after I read them.

    4. my poor grandchildren! I hope they were GOOD smoothies! And Ben’s comment “Do you want Dad to make his meatloaf?!” is another Ben-classic- right up there with “Where have all the cowboys gone?!” Yep, we’ve all read Hunger Games; waiting for Becky to get the sequel so it too can make the rounds of the neighborhood…:)

    5. I love meatloaf. I didn’t know people didn’t. I don’t think Nick will see this so I feel safe saying this…my dad’s is so much better than Nick’s. What is it with men making meatloaf. I guess it’s kinda manly?

    6. My kids love meatloaf. We actually had it tonight for dinner and Cody was SOOO excited. I agree with Erica – it’s no different than a hamburger, it actually has more flavor than a hamburger.

    7. I was also deprived of meatloaf and I love it now. And sorry Annette but I’m sure my mom won’t get the last Hunger Games book until she gets it from me. It may take a while even though it comes out next month. I’m so glad that so many people are enjoying that series.

    8. I just typed a response and it got deleted. ugh. This is so funny-I felt the same way when Par started reading sports/golf books at night, I could barely get his attention. (I’m supposed to be the reader–and I am by a long shot but it kind of shocked me!) The Hunger Games is a good series though.
      And, I love meatloaf, I assumed everyone did. 🙂 I’m not a picky eater, at least not by choice…my brain loves all food even if my gi tract does not. I have a meatloaf recipe that uses apricot jam/ketchup on the top and it’s soo good! You might like it!

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