Rose Kristine


    I guess it’s about time I give this new baby some blog time… Γ‚Β πŸ™‚  I have been away from the blogging world on a little vacation in my own home. My mom is in town so I am enjoying being pampered and spoiled and letting her take care of all of us πŸ™‚ She leaves tomorrow Γ‚Β πŸ™  so I decided I’d better blog now while I still have helping hands and still remember the details of this first week of Rose’s life: IT HAS ALREADY BEEN A WEEK! wow – that went way to fast…

    LATE Friday night - Welcome to the world!

    I will put details between pics but no one needs to read the details – they are very much for my very poor memory… I was scheduled to be induced Friday October 1st – I talked to the hospital 4 times on Thursday and they said to be ready for a call as early as 5:30 am because they start inducing at 6am. They said that I am being induced for medical reasons (high blood pressure) so I will be on the top of the call list. So… I did not sleep well Thursday night and I woke up early and ready and anxious… I had my mom come out from California because she had never seen a birth so she was here and I had my brothers stay the night  in case it ended up being an early morning and then we just waited and waited and waited. We waited Robertson style – playing Take 2 and Dominion. I sent Ben to get me a storage bin to satisfy my last “nesting” desires and I had him fix the handle on the toilet – waiting for the phone to ring… 9am felt like 2pm because I had been up for hours. When I called the hospital just to see they said they were full and busy and would call me as soon as they could get a room and a nurse but for now they still had women in labor without rooms! So I went and played some more games. I had a tired, out of breath spell around 1pm but laid down for a while and felt better. Finally at 2:30pm the phone rang and it was the hospital – Mom, Ben and I jumped in the car and were off!! My other deliveries have been 4 hours or less so those were my expectations. I did have to wait for an antibiotic to get into my system so I was looking at the clock thinking that this little girl should be ready to be born by 9pm – SHE WASN’T – by 9pm I had witnessed a very bad BYU game, had asked for an epidural, had not dilated past a 3, and was feeling very nauseous and very tired (I had been waiting since 6am to have this baby πŸ™‚ ) I managed to block out the chit chat from my Dr and get a little rest around this time. The epidural was working but not magical like the other 2 times so I was uncomfortable and just waiting for that moment when the Dr decides that it is time to have the baby. At 11:20 he told me that the baby’s heart beat was dropping with each contraction – a sign that she is engaged and should be ready. He told me to wait 10 more minutes and then we’d go for it. At 11:30pm he decided it was baby time and started getting dressed and called the nurse in and … then he and my mom both looked down and saw the baby’s head!! No one panicked but they kicked it into high gear and got everything and everyone in place and then he told me not to push but to give a small ugh and that was it – Rose was born at 11:34pm, October 1st!! She was perfect and beautiful and MESSY and came out ready to eat. There were a couple happy parents in the room and a happy grandmother.

    She has the big Nettesheim mouth.

    That was way more info than I planned on writing – SORRY!

    SATURDAY - 4 generations!

    We had a few visitors on Saturday including my grandparents and some of mine and Ben’s siblings. My sister even came down from Idaho to surprise us! Right before Priesthood session of conference my Dr. came in to tell me that Rose had a heart murmur and they would be doing another ultrasound and contacting the pediatric cardiologists at Primary Children’s…. that’s never what a mom wants to hear so I didn’t relax until they brought my baby back in and I kept her in my sights for the next several hours. She sure seems healthy so I decided my worrying wouldn’t do any good and am counting her has a healthy heart until told otherwise πŸ™‚

    SUNDAY - ready to come home in her big car seat.

    We came home late Sunday afternoon. The cardiologist wants to see her in 2 weeks but there didn’t seem to be anything alarming. My Brother and his family were at the house waiting to meet baby and Ben’s brother and family stopped by shortly after that. Rose seemed ok with the Chaos and with the attention.

    MONDAY - chillin at home.

    She passed her jaundice test with a bruised foot to show for it πŸ™

    TUESDAY - I've been a very alert little girl.

    WEDNESDAY - getting used to Cali time.

    THURSDAY - All wrapped up - meeting the puppets.

    FRIDAY October 8, 2010 - almost 1 week old!

    We had a Dr apt. this morning and she is doing great. She is already gaining weight and showing no signs of heart problems, but the murmur is still very prominent and we meet with the cardiologist on the 18th just to be safe. She did the PKU test at the Dr.s office this morning and it is now 4pm and she is still zonked out – – that might mean trouble for tonight – hopefully not. She is so much fun to hold and snuggle and love. I am a proud momma πŸ™‚ We all love her so much and love having her in our family. Here’s one last collage of most of Rose’s visitors…

    Lots of Visitors for Baby Rose!!!

    Categories: Nettesheim, Rose

    8 Replies to “Rose Kristine”

    1. She is so adorable! I love her name too. I am so happy that things are going well for you. I am sorry your mom is leaving. It’s so sad when they have to go home. Let me know if you need anything or if you need help with Benji and school next week.

    2. Congratulations! She is beautiful and I love that she already resembles your other kids. I love her blonde fuzz and ‘rosy’ red cheeks…not to mention I love the name Rose! Very girly and pretty. So happy for you. Hope all is well, let us know how the cardio visit goes.

      PS-thanks for writing so much, for us detail-oriented brains who want to know the nitty gritty πŸ™‚

    3. Wow, Jana I’m glad to hear that she is finally here. And I love the nostalgic name of Rose. That’s awesome! We’ll all be calling her Rosie soon enough. She is beautiful and happy for your wonderful family. Love you, miss ya, and thinking about you guys.

    4. Yay! What a great baby, this makes me so excited for my turn. I hope things work out well with her little heart, I am sure it will all resolve. Celeste had a little murmur, but it was all gone by the end of week 1. Hang in there once your mom leaves! You can do it!

    5. Jana! I am so happy for you! I love the name Rose! She is gorgeous and looks just like your other little toe-headed cookie-cutter cuties! Congrats to you!

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