life is crazy busy


    I love this picture of the kids playing doggies - so fun!

    Life is crazy busy, that’s all I can think for a title and why I haven’t blogged in 2 weeks and the update that will be this blog post on this 20th day of September 2011.

    Cali woke up with Spots 🙁

    We have had sick girls. Life with sick kids is just harder and not nearly as fun or productive. Packer has been begging to go to Trafalga but I couldn’t take a visibly sick child, sorry buddy. We’ve stayed home from church, and I’ve spent lots of time cuddling babies instead of maintaining bathrooms and kitchen. So, Cali woke up a couple Saturdays ago with spots on her back and neck and a pink eye looking goop and a fever so I took her in and the diagnosis was: A Virus, Not chicken Pox and Not Pink Eye, though it looks like both and if she hadn’t been vaccinated Dr thought it looked like Measles. Give her Tylenol and wait it out. Rose has been grumpy off and on all month. She got her 6th tooth sometime recently and I put her to bed with a fever again tonight so we will see what tomorrow brings. Packer didn’t want to be left out of the sickness so he has been nursing his motorcycle burn that he got after a short ride around the block and Benji is also living up any scrape he can. Ben got his cholesterol down with the medication he has been on! yeah! and I am officially anemic says the Dr’s office this past week.

    Erica and Lan and I - yes I am short!

    Rose and Gentry - go cougars!

    Ben, Than and Ryan

    The Hancocks came! I have nothing to say about the game that they came for. I fell asleep during the 2nd half and never want to see how the score got to where it did. But we had fun hanging out on Friday and eating way to much pre-game Saturday. Glad 2 of my best friends married each other and Ben actually likes them so we can all hang out 🙂

    I got my homework done - POSTER all about Benji!

    Benji is STAR STUDENT this week so I have had a ton of “homework”: making a poster, writing a letter and prepping whatever he is supposed to bring for the day. He loves the attention so I guess it is all worth it. Today he brought home his first Chapter book from the library and was so excited to show us. He has also made a new friend at school and that is all he can talk about.

    THE END (sorry for the abrupt ending but if I don’t post now I might never post 🙂 cause LIFE is CRAZY and BUSY)


    Categories: General

    4 Replies to “life is crazy busy”

    1. That picture of the kids in the dog cage brings flashbacks to when I was a kid. Ben locked my friend and I in one, we thought it would be fun, but we got claustrophobic and started panicing, but he just kept laughing at us and wouldn’t open the dang door!!! I think it scarred me for life. 😉 I wonder if he remembers that. 🙂

    2. Um, no fun when the whole fam joins in on the sickness! Poor Cali, those spots do not look fun. I hate viruses. I hope everyone feels better soon. And Rose is soooo cuuuute! Your kids are growing so fast.

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