Happy Birthday to ME!


    I had a fun and relaxing day with way too many treats and lots of awesome visitors and phone calls and gifts. THANK YOU EVERYONE. My day went a little something like this:

    actually get dressed so that I can wear my new SHOES!

    11am I got the last of the edge pieces done on my birthday puzzle and had received a few birthday phone calls

    Ben, Rose and I went to Olive Garden for lunch!! and then I came home to yummy treats and more birthday wishes!

    I wore my new hat all day.

    more birthday treats, texts and calls while I worked on my puzzle and did the least amount of work and kids as possible

    Tara fed the kids dinner and Ben and kids picked out my birthday cake!

    I forgot to "not talk" when I was eating my birthday cake so I had to eat it under the table - luckily I had lots of visitors

    At 11:30pm I finished my puzzle and had heard from my parents, in-laws, all 11 siblings and lots of friends so I went to bed HAPPY!

    Categories: Jana

    4 Replies to “Happy Birthday to ME!”

    1. Happy Birthday Jana! For some reason, because you are so awesome, I will never forget your birthday is on Sept 29th and remember it every year.

      love the shoes and love york peppermint patties, happy birthday!

    2. Happy Happy birthday! you are officially two years older than me for two weeks–woohoo! Can Josh and I still have a 30 year old club? Remember the 15 year old club? Really can 15 years already gone by?!?! That’s weird.

    3. And someone forgot to cross that T! I only noticed because my eyes are getting bad and it looked like you had curly pasta on your cake and had to make it big so i could see that it was frosting.

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