

    Rose is just the cutest thing ever when she walks. She is a true toddler and has a funny little side step. Mix that with super short legs and the big girl grin on her face and it is just awesome. She loves to be on the go and has improved her toddling 10 fold in the last week.

    toddling around in her snow pants ๐Ÿ™‚

    Trying to play in the crunchy old snow pile on our north facing lawn

    We went to Trafalga for my brothers birthday party! ร‚ย They did 3 rounds of laser tag. Cali and Packer even did it. They went in with Ben or their uncles, aunts, and cousins and had a blast. Prego’s and baby’s aren’t allowed to play so Rose and I tried to entertain ourselves for an hour or two… and Rose Toddled around the arcade area for a long time just dancing and being BIG.

    Trafalga Fun - Brinlee sat out with us after the first round.

    I ended up with the 4 youngest kids during the last round of laser tag. They all wanted to mini golf so we headed upstairs… They LOVE IT. Rose walked the entire course with her ball and club in hand.


    I’m feeling sentimental as the new baby is due any time now. I know that Rose is still a baby herself and we are going to have our hands full. She is a really good girl. She can be loud and crazy but if I get her down for naps when she needs them then all is right in the world. She still takes a morning and afternoon nap. She can go without one or the other but she does best with both. If we get her naps in then she plays happily during her free time. She loves to do whatever the other kids are doing. She likes dolls and the kitchen and bikes and LOVES BALLS (maybe she will be my athlete!) She really does a good job of playing and then when she gets tired she goes right to bed. Rose is my best snuggler. She will always lay on my shoulder or belly and keep coming back for more. She has become attached to her blanket in the last month or 2 and asks to bring it out of bed with her. She likes her milk but is not an addict like Benji and Cali were. Her vocab is just Mom, uh oh, dog and Ball. BUT the girl understands EVERYTHING you tell her. One of my favorites is when I ask if she is stinky and needs a diaper change and she will throw herself on the ground in change me position. Rose LOVES to brush her teeth. This might be her favorite thing ever and if she sees anyone in the bathroom then she must go in, climb up the step and brush her teeth – Cute, yes. Time consuming, yes. And she now demands toothpaste cause she knows the other kids get it. Speaking of Teeth – Rose just cut a tooth on Saturday – She has her top 4 and just got her 4th on the bottom to even things out. She also has 4 molars now. And she loves to eat.

    everyones favorite lunch recently - anything cut up that can be stabbed with a toothpick

    Benji and Rose have just discovered that it is fun to play with each other. Rose will go tackle him and then Benji will carry her or spin her or just wrestle and they both love it. It’s fun to see the big brother in action and it’s fun to see him realize that the little ones really like him and want to be with him.

    Packer doesn’t play with her as much but he has started giving her lots of kisses and hugs and when I resort to putting a show on so dinner can get made those 2 love to chill on the couch together.

    Cali and Rose – Cali is the little mom – she will do anything that is “taking care of Rose”. Get diapers, blankets… whatever. Cali has to be the one to give her her bottle in the morning and she has really gotten good at letting Rose have her way. The best is in the mornings. The girls have been sharing a room since the new year and they do great. They go to bed together at night and then in the mornings Rose squawks until she wakes Cali up and then Cali just plays with her in the crib until I come to get them (sometimes an hour later). Neither of them have realized that they can just open the door and come out ๐Ÿ™‚

    Trying to get a cute picture before church but Rose would not look.

    11am to 2pm is not a good church time for a 2 nap toddler

    the next Sunday I tried again in their matching dresses...

    Sunday Mornings are not her thing!

    Rose is the only one that doesn’t realize that our lives are about to change with new baby. The other kids all get it and are Excited. I’m hoping for a smooth transition and lots of time to just snuggle all 5 of my babies!

    Categories: Rose

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