Baby # 6 is a …. GIRL!!


    We are having a GIRL. We came back from the ultrasound and Rose and Cali were anxiously waiting and it was so fun to tell them that it is a girl – a baby sister! The boys found out after school. They took it well but were hoping for a boy.

    my babies always have a hand in their face

    my babies always have a hand in their face


    little feet


    looking straight at her

    Rose had a  Ventricular Septal Defect or VSD when she was born. She had 3 or 4 small holes between the lower ventricles of the heart. They healed on their own in the first year and she never had any symptoms. BUT because of Rose’s history they searched the heart specifically for a VSD and they think they found one. I go to primary children’s for a specialists opinion next week. The danger, as I understand it,  is that the oxygenated blood will mix with the non oxygenated and the baby will not be able to get enough oxygen to breathe correctly. In most cases the holes are small and the baby can breathe properly and the holes close as the heart grows. We are praying that will be the case with this little girl of ours. In a perfect world her little heart will grow and the hole could close before she is even born.

    We are excited about little Gertrude… (that might be her pre-birth name). All of the kids have started talking to my belly and giving it/her hugs. I also wore my first maternity shirt today.

    Categories: General

    3 Replies to “Baby # 6 is a …. GIRL!!”

    1. Congrats Jana! So excited for your baby girl. I hope all goes well and her heart can heal before she’s born. (If it makes you feel better I had the same problem, mine healed shortly after birth, and look how great I turned out.) Ok, scratch that….but hopefully she will follow Rose’s pattern. Keep us posted! Hope you’re feeling well. xoxoxoxo

    2. Congratulations! So excited for you guys! That blasted VSD! I know how confident you are that everything will be ok, but theres still that little scary thought thats there too. Praying for little Gertrude! Love you guys!

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