unfamiliar, lost, newby …

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    I’m feeling a bit out of sorts in my new home. Lots of things are still in boxes. I don’t have internet or TV yet. It’s hard to find what I need even if I have unpacked it because it is in a new spot. I’m not sad or lonely I just feel like everything is unfamiliar and different. We were so comfortable and now we have stirred the pot and are searching for that comfort. We know it is out there and that it will be ours shortly but in the mean time… Like at church we were surrounded by good, friendly people but they felt like strangers compared to the familiarity and family feel of the people we had been with and served with for 9 years. Change is hard, to me it’s hard simply because it is change.  Finding that balance of nurturing my children and arranging and unpacking the house has been a challenge. Trying to start summer but needing to be devoting the majority of my time to the homes has been hard. Keeping our other home and renting it out took most of our time last week – but now the renters are in and ALL of our stuff is out. It’s mostly done except making sure utilities get switched over under a landlord account and following through with rental insurance and fixing some blinds that the cleaning girls broke and… (really there is just always one more thing and I haven’t even told you about my credit card getting switched in the middle of the move and writing a check to an empty bank account and… things that never happen and shouldn’t happen except we were moving and I didn’t pay attention to the mail that closely and I couldn’t find the right check book but the other checkbook would have been fine except we had just emptied that account to buy the new home and… Oh yeah – we are a brand new sub division so there is no mail here. They won’t put a mail box in until all of the homes are built so I’m supposed to go pick up my mail everyday! and I typically have my diapers delivered and we shop on line for lots of stuff but our address does not exist – do you see what I mean about lost and out of sorts???? I see a beautiful big light at the end of the tunnel but I just need to get there! And now Ben is away at scout camp so the blogging world gets my thoughts for the day 🙂

    friday May 31! goodbye and hello

    friday May 31! goodbye and hello

    I am getting settled and starting to see glimpses of normalcy and possibly the rest of our lives here on this street, in this cul-de-sac, by these people.  Each day they are building the homes around us and digging and pounding and prepping and waking us up extra early on Saturdays. Each day several cars drive through our street to see the progress. Each week we meet new future neighbors! Each neighbor has 4 kids (that’s what happens in UT). Friendly neighbors knock on our door and bring us cookies! Each day 1 more thing gets ‘taken care of” on our “not quite done” new home checklist. Tomorrow the TV should be installed. And a new mirror in the bathroom that isn’t scratched. The plumber should be coming on Wednesday morning… I emptied 8 LARGE boxes today. Tomorrow I WILL organize the toy room…

    IMG_20130527_190239 IMG_20130527_190258

    So we have jumped in with both feet. My absolute favorite part about the change is living next door to family! My kids have played with the cousins every day. Today they played from lunch time until dinner time. They go back and forth between houses. They all have a friend and I don’t have to take them or drop them off or worry about getting them home or wait for Ray’s nap… GLORIOUS!

    we don't have grass but we are making the most of our front porch

    we don’t have grass but we are making the most of our front porch

    Categories: General

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