A Fender Bender


    –noun Informal. a collision between motor vehicles in which there is only minor damage.

    I got in a fender bender today. There is no nice way to say that it sucked. I got in the worst kind of fender bender – the one where you run into your own parked car. Yes I’ll repeat that because you probably did hear me right. I pulled out of my garage and hit our other car that I had just parked in the driveway not more than 5 minutes earlier! LAME. My husband was out of town all day so I can’t blame him for parking it there, there was noone else involved, just me and two scraped up cars 🙁 If anyone has ever done this you know how frustrating it is! Has anyone ever done this? please tell me that I’m not the only Mo-ron… anyone??????

    Categories: Jana

    7 Replies to “A Fender Bender”

    1. well this has not happened to me but my sister in law backed in to her husbands new car like 4 days after he got it…and then a few months later proceeded to back out of the garage with the door still shut!!! yikes !!!!!

    2. dude, you know i’ve hit a parked car. a few parked cars.

      and the worst was when i hit a tow truck that was towing someone else’s broken car so i re-busted that and broke the tow. jana, it just takes talent is what i gots to say.

      hope my stories made you feel better, i love other people’s rotten stories.

    3. Evan hit my dad’s car in our driveway. It knocked off the drivers side mirror. That sucked. Sorry about your incident. I guess it could have been worse.

    4. LOL. Let me repeat that LOL! Sorry Jana, I tried to stretch my memory to think of a time that I have run into my own vehicle, nothing came to mind. I hope that you and the kids didn’t get hurt. Sorry that I am still laughing, I would have paid cash to watch you do that! Next time you should sell the tickets in advance, it will give you some money to repair the car. 🙂

    5. I’ve never hit a parked car but I did scrape the side of our garage and made a huge dent in the side of my old ford aspire. The dumb thing was… I knew I was going to hit it because another car was parked kinda behind me. But I did it anyway. That totally bites, but it really does happen to the best of us. Oh wait, I did back into Frank Gomez’ trailer once when we lived by the afterbay. But nothing happened to either vehicle.

    6. Well Last summer I hit our neighbors parked car with our suburban. Total moment of “what was I thinking!!!” We fixed their car, but ours still has some slight damage. Rick wasn’t willing to fix. So now every time I walk up to our car it is a reminder. GRRRRR!

    7. I DID THIS. Exact same thing. I was late getting the girls somewhere and they were whining in the back seat and I just raced out of the garage right into Cameron’s parked car. I had forgotten Cameron was home (He usually isn’t). When I went back inside to tell him, he didn’t believe me. It was painful.

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