Category: Cali

    Grade Up Day

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    Rose got to go to school from 9:15-1:15 and visit all of the 1st grade classrooms and teachers. She loved it! Benji got to be her and Ellie’s 6th grade buddy! He loved it. Rose loved walking home with all the neighborhood kids.

    This year they didn’t get split into their new classes and see who their new teacher might be so… we all just have to wait to find out. We are getting a new Principal and Vice Principal this next year so…

    Ray is getting excited to go to Kindergarten!

    Categories: Benji, Cali, Packer, Rose

    Piano Recital

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    Benji, Packer and Cali had their 1st piano recital!

    Benji played William Tell Overture, Packer played Twinkle Twinkle and Cali played Yankee Doodle.

    Categories: Benji, Cali, Packer

    March 23

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    So, Cali got braces on Thursday! We want to get her tooth on the bottom pulled over to where it belongs but the Ortho said it wasn’t quite in enough to brace it so he just did the top braces and we will go back in 8 weeks. Cali was nervous but brave. She has had a wire poking her cheek and trying to figure out how to use the wax. She is trying to be tough but had a breakdown at dinner time both days. The poor girl wanted to eat her dorritos but couldn’t do it. It hurt to bad so… she ended up with cheese and yogurt.


    The kids hung out at Erica’s while we were at the Orthodontist then we came home and started switching the toy room and the girls room. We got the girls room all set up! The kids were so excited for the change. the old toy room is a little bigger bedroom so the girls will love the extra space.

    Old and New

    That evening we were invited over to Mac and Kristie’s house to play arcades! Mac is the one that got Ben started on our collection. He had 11 arcades in the house and at least that many in the garage. We had lots of fun  trying the new games and hanging out.

    Categories: Cali, General

    March 21 – Glow Play

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    Cali got to be in her Class Play! The Glow Play. She was a Flower with Sarayah and Kennadi. Mia was a Bug Catcher. Cali loved saying her one line and singing with the flowers and rest of the class. I could see her liking the singing and acting thing, she did great!

    Erica babysat so I could enjoy the play and leave Tiago napping. I did help encourage her to dig the glass out of her infected foot so it was a fair trade off.

    Visiting Teaching – This month I invited Sherrie and Heather over to my house to switch things up a little. Cara also came and all 11 of our little kids. They came in the morning from 10-12. We just chatted while the kids played. I think it was a good change.

    After school I helped Benji get another project done and the kids all played with friends: Luca, Mia, Breklyn, Ellie. And we all like to play with Tiago!

    I made burritos for dinner and then Cali headed to activity days and Ben to young mens.

    bouncy balls!! this kid is obsessed

    Cali made this cute Temple at activity days.

    Categories: Cali, General

    March 7 – Cali’s Teeth

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    Cali had to get 3 of her teeth pulled!

    She has a tooth that is trying to come up in the wrong spot! So… the dentist had to pull 3 baby teeth and now we will go next week to get braces and try to pull the tooth over to where it belongs!

    Categories: Cali

    Cali’s Baptism!

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    Cali got baptized on January 7th. She was the only one from our ward. It was at 9:30am at our Stake Center. She had a big smile on her face all day. She said she felt happy all day. She said she was excited to finally be baptized. Everything went great. he water was warm and she was a happy girl 🙂

    Bishop Chipman conducted and Sister Kirby helped plan everything. We had a lot of family come and support Cali.

    After the baptism we invited everyone over to the house to celebrate Cali’s special day. We had waffles and muffins and fruit. We visited and sang karaoke and just let the kids play for a few hours.

    Categories: Cali

    Cali Cousin Party

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    Cali wanted a Moana cake this year. I took the easy road and bought the figures. She loved it.

    AND Cali finally had her cousin party 2 1/2 weeks late. She shared the party with Ashlyn and had lots of fun dressing up and dancing and hanging out with the cousins.

    Categories: Cali, Nettesheim

    Cali is 8!

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    Cali had a birthday and she is just growing up way to fast! We had a fun day but it was a school day so… we opened gifts early and then played after school. We had homemade pizza for dinner, visited with Grandma and Grandpa and then ate cake and ice cream with the Hancocks to end the night.

    Cali is friendly and loves school. She is smart and creative. Last night she made up a Christmas mix and she and Rose practiced and sang it 10 times until they got it right on the video. Cali is good with the kids and loves to play with all of her siblings and cousins and friends. She will be baptized the first Saturday in January and is excited about that. Tonight (10 days late) we are having all of the cousins over for a party. Happy Birthday Cali!

    Categories: Cali