Month: September 2013

    Life with Millie * 9.13

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    Life with Millie


    Ben came and brought Millie and I home from the hospital! We hurried to send same day pictures to Sister Robertson at the MTC. We got in a few games of Rook with my brothers. Diego brought me a delicious fruit parfait. And we took it easy most of the day.

    little mommy

    little mommy

    these girls love their sister

    these girls love their sister

    We made it home!

    We made it home!

    flowers from Benji

    flowers from Benji

    flowers from Ben

    flowers from Ben

    Categories: General, Millie

    Life with Millie * 9.12

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    Life with Millie!!


    I relaxed in the hospital and ordered everything on the menu to make up for the lack of eating the day before. Ben and mom ran around between me and Millie and the other 5 kids. The high light of the day was definitely when the kids came to the hospital to meet their new sister.

    putting your finger in the paci is very helpful

    putting your finger in the paci is very helpful

    the bed was the main entertainment

    the bed was the main entertainment

    Cali time

    Cali time

    Raymond time

    Raymond time

    Benji time

    Benji time

    Packer time

    Packer time

    Rose time

    Rose time

    crazy time

    crazy time

    I've learned to unhook the IV and get dressed before the kids come. Otherwise that look at you as the weird sick lady and stay away.

    I’ve learned to unhook the IV and get dressed before the kids come. Otherwise that look at you as the weird sick lady and stay away.



    Categories: General, Millie


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    So I fell off the planet a week before Millie was born… I was uncomfortable and anxious for the new baby. I was a one track mind waking up each morning and going to bed each night wondering if THIS would be the time for her to be born. In the mean time: Life did continue:

    The Hancock’s came to visit us. Well, they really came to watch BYU beat Texas, but they did crash at our house one night and the kids had a few hours of fun.

    Ray Tom and Maren!

    Ray Tom and Maren!

    Rose and Gentry!

    Rose and Gentry!

    Benji and Pacen!

    Benji and Pacen!

    Saturday the 7th was MY DUE DATE – no pregnant woman wants to be over due, but no baby yet. It was also the 1st day of Soccer for the kids. It was fun watching our 3 oldest play.

    scored a goal!

    scored a goal!

    scored 2 goals! Ice cream for everyone.

    scored 2 goals! Ice cream for everyone.

    Our Soccer players!

    Our Soccer players!

    Sunday I was officially OVER DUE and that was all that was on my mind. I did make it to church but that has got to be the one Sunday that you just don’t want to go – you haven’t planned on being there. No one expects you to be there BUT you are there. I spent the rest of the day enjoying my kids and the easiness of our day to day routine knowing that change was close at hand.

    Sunday Morning!

    Sunday Morning!

    Monday morning I got up and went to the Dr and was really hoping to have a baby (when you are pregnant and over due there really is only one thing that you are thinking about). My Dr. told me how dilated and effaced I was and it was exactly the same as it was a week earlier at my appointment šŸ™ FRUSTRATING. So I went home again and life continued.



    I love these pictures: Raymond was giving the Barbie kisses and then he tried to get Packer to give her a kiss. Packer was bugged cause he doesn’t like Barbie’s or princesses or kisses! Ray was so proud of his teasing. He had me laughing.

    I love this pic - Rosie chillin in the corner eating her cookie :) She's just little and cute

    I love this pic – Rosie chillin in the corner eating her cookie šŸ™‚ She’s just little and cute

    Tuesday… OVER DUE… my mom decided that she had waited long enough and since she has a busy september october schedule she needed to come. She came on Tuesday afternoon! We had dinner and played and then did everything we could think of to try to get labor to start and baby Millie to come. Mom and Ben tried pressure points and we watched U Tube videos. Jumping Jacks and spicy food and … NOTHING HAPPENED.

    play time

    play time

    aNd that brings us up to speed to BABY MILLIE making her entrance into this world!! FINALLY

    Categories: General

    Millie Marie Nettesheim * 9.11


    She is finally here!

    Millie Marie


    I guess I have been a little busy cause this baby is almost 2 weeks old and I am finally posting. Here is her story:

    September 11, 2013 Ā 9:50am

    Feeling like a good day to have a baby!! I came to the hospital for a non stress test at 9am. Everything looked really good. Fluids are plentiful. Placenta is working well. Then I had a few contractions and when I did the baby had a delayed drop in heart rate. Because it is delayed rather than with the contraction there is some stress and reason to induce. So… I was ready to go home and wait and… Then the Dr came in and said let’s do this. I called Ben. Called my mom. Went to the van and got my bag and now I’m waiting to be checked in at labor and delivery. I had a bad headache yesterday and it is lingering today. I was up every hour last night (contraction) so I’m feeling tired and now excited!! We get to meet Millie today šŸ™‚

    a selfie - I set the timer and then ran over for one last prego picture!

    a selfie – I set the timer and then ran over for one last prego picture!

    Dad is wrapping things up at work. Canceling a meeting or two, checking on GMA and the kids and then meeting me here! The sun has come out.

    They monitored me from 11-12. Then at noon hooked up my iv with Pitocin and the antibiotic and fluids to keep me hydrated. @2:00 Dr Peterson said I’m at a 4 but only 60% effaced. So Ben and my mom are here. We are hanging out and waiting 2 more hours for the antibiotic šŸ™‚

    Contractions are pretty consistent but not too intense yet. 2:15pm from the south side room 515.

    all day in this bed... with a nasty gown on... and starving cause I only ate part of a pop tart before leaving the house...

    all day in this bed… with a nasty gown on… and starving cause I only ate part of a pop tart before leaving the house…

    Ben chilling while I am laboring!

    Ben chilling while I am laboring!

    Mom chilling while I am laboring!

    Mom chilling while I am laboring!

    All the junk they were pumping into me.

    All the junk they were pumping into me.

    seriously hate the IV

    seriously hate the IV

    we spend most of the time watching this monitor - babies heart and my contractions.

    we spend most of the time watching this monitor – babies heart and my contractions.


    9:00 non stress test

    9:30 call Ben and head up stairs

    10:30 get registered and checked in – 2.5cm

    11:00 hooked up to monitors and checking baby and contractions. Mom and Ben come – kids with Kris and Michelle. Nurse says maybe we won’t induce – I say YES we will – no way am I going home at this point! Luckily my Dr. was on the same page…

    12:00 Dr Peterson says to start antibiotic and Pitocin – 3cm

    2:00 Dr Peterson Checks in – dilated to a 4, 60%.

    4:00 ready to break water and hook up EKG monitor BUT Dr hasnā€™t left the office yet and wants us to wait for him. more waiting.

    5:30 nurses get the go ahead from Dr Peterson to break water. Iā€™ve been contracting, peeing, standing up feels good, but pain is bearable and not very intense so no epidural yet.

    6:00 break my water. 5 cm. nurse and intern have a hard time hooking in the new monitor and in the meantime I am fully efaced and 6cm.

    Contractions kicked in as soon as the water broke. Nurse helps me through some hard contractions and mom takes over pushing my legs – I squeeze Benā€™s hand to deathā€¦ So the nurse finds the epidural man and he has a c section at 7:00 so epidural is now or never. I decide NOW.

    6:20 – hard contractions

    6:25 – epidural man works his magic and I donā€™t feel any more contractions. 7cm.

    6:30 – Nurse loses babies heart rate on monitors. Rate is way down. Sheā€™s frantically moving me from side to side to try to get a response from baby. Calling Dr and other nurses. Things start to get frantic and a little scary.

    FINALLY - it is go time!

    FINALLY – it is go time!

    6:35 – Dr.s are in – Peterson sends for forceps just in case since she is still a little high. Nurse tells him heart rate drops. Nurse checks me again and I am complete – 10cm. ready.

    From here we start delivering. I am loving the epidural because I still have full movement but no pain. Legs in stirrups. Push. Babies head is out but she is purple and the cord is around her neck. Dr Peterson tries to loop it around her head and the umbilical cord breaks!

    At this point Peterson had moved the intern dr out of the way and was shouting orders. Intern pushing on my belly. Nurse lifting my back and I am being told to push as hard as I can now NOW! Push! Get the baby out. This was all lightning fast and the baby was on my lap and the cord was clamped and her coloring and breathing were good. It was an intense few minutes while the cord ruptured and we had to get her out and get the cord clamped before she lost too much blood from the cord.

    6:47 was her official time of entry into this world.

    7:00 she is in my arms and looking great and vitals are good.

    7pounds 11 ounces

    7pounds 11 ounces

    you can see the ruptured cord

    you can see the ruptured cord

    dr said vitals are good!

    dr said vitals are good!

    mommy time

    mommy time

    Grammy time

    Grammy time

    Daddy Time

    Daddy Time

    Ben and the nurses took her away at 8pm to get all cleaned up.

    so sweet

    so sweet



    bruised face

    bruised face

    So that is the story of little Millie – it was a long boring day of sitting and chill and trips to the bathroom and thenā€¦ a whirlwind from 6:00 – 6:47 and a few urgent prayers and a PERFECT little girl!

    Categories: Ben, Jana, Millie

    Labor Day and Stuff

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    I’m to scatter brained to sit and write something meaningful so I am loading my pictures and if any comments make it on the page then GREAT…


    I love these smiles. Ray is such a tease lately. Today he took Rose’s lip gloss at least 3 different times and runs and runs until she catches him and pries it out of his hand. Rose is under the sleeping bag in this one and I am sure Ray is giggling about that.


    We had the opportunity to camp for Labor day but this pregnant mom was too tired to attempt it. Our kids were disappointed but they were also understanding. We still got to play with lots of cousins and we spent Sunday evening at the campground. I didn’t take any pictures but we had a good time. I missed camping but today I am not missing the camping clean up.


    Matching boys! They are tired and sweaty after their 8 minute walk home.


    We spent Labor Day with the Nettesheim’s. Lots of food and visiting. I love hanging out with family and letting the kids loose with their cousins. It was Great. That evening I spent some time with my sister Shannon who came down from Idaho. It’s fun to have one on one time – Shannon showed me the best foods at Taco Time since she has worked there for over 4 years now and I had never been until last night! AndĀ I made her push my 500 lb shopping cart as I grabbed dog food and detergent and diapers and snacks and anything that I might not want to run out of right when this little baby decides to be born. I had a checkup at the Dr Office today and there is nothing to report… it’s could be any day or it could be a week or more… I’m trying to let life go on …


    Ray Tom enjoying Zucchini Bread at the Nettesheim Brunch – yummy.


    Cute kids on Rosie’s new quilt.


    Rose loves to color right now. And she loves to tell me all the things that the new baby will need. Today I had to eat the last oreo because she wanted the new baby to have it – OK. And she really needs to go to McDonald’s to show the new baby the slides. Funny Girl.


    And today I took the 2 rascals to the park after taking Cali to Preschool. I didn’t want to BUT I’m glad I did. They had a blast. They were sweaty but they didn’t care. They played in the drinking fountain and threw wood chips and teased each other BUT there was no crying and no one else was there so they couldn’t disturb anyone or be shied away from the playground. I sat in the shade in the grass and dreamed about having our own yard to play in. And now I need to be done cause I should have dinner cooking and I don’t. Taco Tuesday?

    Categories: General, Nettesheim, Robertson