Day: January 26, 2022

    Wednesday January 12th

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    Benji and I finally went SNOWBOARDING! Wednesday is early out so Benji and I went up after lunch. The main lift broke right when we got there so we went over to Jakes Lift and I don’t know that area so… it was a bit too steep and icy – -BUT Benji did good! He stayed on his feet most of the time. He had a hard time steering the board but he was handling it! He did fall once really hard on his shoulder and wrist but he powered thru. We did 2 or 3 runs and called it good. We plan to go back when the conditions are better.

    I thought I might have Covid this week. The new covid is lots of cold symptoms. I went out to dinner Monday night with Ben and the bishopric – Jared and Melinda and Angi and Adam. After dinner my throat started hurting. It was very distinct and just my throat. The next morning I was stuffy and head achy. My throat still hurt and some body aches. I decided to have a rest day. I rested all day Tuesday to try to sleep it off. Then Wednesday morning I wake up feeling bleh again but as soon as I get moving I was feeling pretty good. Now I’m debating if I should still take Benji boarding and if I should go to Las Vegas this weekend for Cali’s tournament… I looked into getting tested but the hospital says its about a 72 hour wait to get results!! That won’t help me! BUT – I had ordered a pack of home tests the first of the year and they arrived in the mail right then! So i took the at home Covid test Wednesday at lunch time. I tested Negative. So life goes on. We went ahead and did all the things but I wasn’t feeling 100%. (also important to note that EVERYONE has been sick or quarantining. The kids said no one has been in class – like 10 kids missing out of 25. Omicron Covid is going crazy.)

    Categories: Benji, Jana


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    MONDAY JANUARY 10, 2022

    I finally got to use my birthday present! I went up to Sundance. I left the house at 8:30. Drove up by myself and jumped onto the ski lift around 9am. I snowboarded for 2 hours. I stayed on the front mountain and just got comfortable. I was home by 11:30. I have my original snowboard from my college days – a Ride 135. I’ve been using a pair of boots that Brady left here that are just a little bigger than my OG’s. I love how easy it was to be up there and enjoy those hours.

    Categories: Jana


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    Getting stuff done at home. Packer had a wrestling tournament overnighter from friday to saturday. Cali had an indoor game. Benji was so happy to have Packer home! Mia came to hang out with the kids! Michelle and Udine have been recovering from Covid. Udine had it really bad 🙁 Now Emily has it. She is in the hospital because they are worried but she has no symptoms. She went in on January 8th.

    Categories: General