Category: Tiago

    Tiago’s first week

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    The first week of Tiago’s life. June 2nd through 8th. Everything is a little blurry but I’ll let the pictures do the talking:


    pure cuteness


    could’ve come home on tuesday but I just wanted to lay in the hospital and enjoy this little face.

    Wright's meet Tiago

    Wright’s meet Tiago

    Falabella's meet Tiago

    Falabella’s meet Tiago

    Mr Tiago - holding his own Paci

    Mr Tiago – holding his own Paci

    Grandma Time

    Grandma Time

    a visit from Grnadpa

    a visit from Grnadpa

    ready to get home and figure out this new world

    ready to get home and figure out this new world

    heading home

    heading home

    And again that SMILE

    Big Sister SMILE

    look at ROSIES CUTE FACE

    look at ROSIES CUTE FACE

    matching faces

    matching faces



    finally old enough to really hold and comfort the baby

    finally old enough to really hold and comfort the baby


    smile – pure joy

    Amanda and fam came to meet the new guy

    Amanda and fam came to meet the new guy


    chubby cheeks

    I just can't believe how cute he is.

    I just can’t believe how cute he is.

    Gus got him this outfit for Camo Fridays

    Gus got him this outfit for Camo Fridays

    Mom and the crew came on Saturday night!

    Mom and the crew came on Saturday night!

    Millie after church - mostly ignoring baby Tiago still

    Millie after church – mostly ignoring baby Tiago still

    A Kelsey selfie

    A Kelsey selfie

    and another one

    and another one

    best legs contest

    best legs contest

    playing Bingo with the fun aunts

    playing Bingo with the fun aunts


    Millie and Bren digging the sand box


    the old man look


    the one time Ben got to hold him when my mom and sisters were here.


    Kelsey on Bradys new bike


    Millie decided to IGNORE the baby and be her crazy normal self.


    Ray posing and being cute


    Cali Walking with the Baby – she QUICKLY showed me that she could do it and she was fine and safe.


    not sure if Rose liked the baby or the hand sanitizer more – either way she is a cutie.


    smash face



    seriously - sooo cute

    Big Stretch – seriously – sooo cute

    june 8th

    june 8th

    meeting the Great Grandparents

    meeting the Great Grandparents

    Ray holding the little man

    Ray holding the little man

    the kids

    the kids

    Monday night get together

    Monday night get together

    Ray loves uncle Ryan.

    Ray loves uncle Ryan.

    all these people came to visit

    all these people came to visit

    FIRST BATH - i think Grandma R has bathed all of these kids for their First bath.

    FIRST BATH – i think Grandma R has bathed all of these kids for their First bath.

    and none of them like it

    and none of them like it

    Cali captured some Saturday Chill time - Benji and Ti

    Cali captured some Saturday Chill time – Benji and Ti

    handsome CLEAN boy with Grammie

    handsome CLEAN boy with Grammie

    Benji and I working on a project

    Benji and I working on a project

    Ray sharing his blanket with Gus

    Ray sharing his blanket with Gus

    Rose and the boy - look how tiny he is.

    Rose and the boy – look how tiny he is.

    some of the Sunday dinner crew!

    some of the Sunday dinner crew!

    Millie getting up close and personal with Gus.

    Millie getting up close and personal with Gus.

    comparing babies  - 4 months v. 4 days

    comparing babies – 4 months v. 4 days

    Gus is so Happy in this one

    Gus is so Happy in this one

    Millie is still a big baby - 21 months.

    Millie is still a big baby – 21 months.

    Categories: General, Nettesheim, Tiago

    Tiago Ford Nettesheim





    I just gave birth to a perfect baby boy!! It is so miraculous. I can’t believe how a child can grow inside of me like that. We put up with it for 9 months and wait and wonder and worry and hope for all of the best. We have a due date when the baby might be here and we look forward to it and again we wait and wonder… SO… I had a pretty good pregnancy. I had a tired and nauseous first 3 months. A pretty normal middle 4 months and then the last 2 months got tough. I needed lots of sleep and let Ben get up early and my stomach got really big. I took lots of naps and tried to be patient with the kids and by the last month I was a waddling, somewhat pathetic mess.


    So, Here’s the Tiago story: I went in for a check up Weds May 27th and I had a big headache. The dr got a little nervous and we started talking induction and need to get the baby here. I convinced him that it was just a headache but that did get us both thinking about getting the baby here. I went back that Friday to see how baby and I were doing and the Dr and I both felt like we should schedule my induction a week early on June 1 because he was going out of town and I was ready and it just felt right. So I got on the Monday waiting list and started making plans. On Sunday morning the hospital called to tell me that I was to come to the hospital at 6:45am!!! what. really. ok. We prepped and got everything in order. I tried to get the house under control. We went to bed around 1am but I couldn’t sleep. I was having small contractions and in the bathroom all night and then a bath and tried sleeping in the love sac and finally it was 6:15am and I called the hospital and they said to come in!! Grandma Netty came to stay with the kids and we left.

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    We got to the hospital at 7am and checked in. It took an hour for paperwork and another hour to get my IV in – really 5 or 6 tries, 2 different nurses, finally they had to put it in my hand. and: at 8:30 I was having contractions on my own and had gone from a 2 to a 3 and about 60%. So we broke my water at 8:30am and started Pitocin.

    9:00 started feeling labor in my back.

    9:30 a 4, 80% and ready for an epidural.

    9:40 epidural

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    9:55 relax and nap

    10:15 need to throw up – get medicine and make it through. Baby is reacting to contractions so nurse turns off my pitocin and tries to get the baby settled.

    11:40 I wake up and I’m still at a 5.

    12:10 I talk to my mom and tell her we are stalled. Nurse is still futsing with the monitor and planning to check progress at 12:30.

    12:30 nurse Maggie checks and i am complete!! 100% ready to have a baby. No Wonder baby was struggling. Call Dr.

    12:42 Dr here. Room prepped.

    Push, turn head down.

    Push. Push. Head.

    Need you to push more.

    Push. And again. Shoulders stuck.

    Push and… Baby is here.

    12:52 baby boy is here! Cut cord. NICU takes over to check the nerves in his shoulder. Dr is worried about his shoulder getting stuck. Head is super bruised but vitals are great.

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    8 pounds 8 ounces and 20 inches.

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    1:00ish placenta delivered. No rips or tears!

    1:15-2:15 hold baby. Skin to skin. Try to Nurse. Call and tell the kids!!

    3:00 in the nursery watching them bathe and clean Tiago.

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    4:00 nap time. I’m cleaned up and not numb and feeling pretty good. Ice packs on and motrin in my system.

    5:30 Ben and I are chillin. Tiago has been asleep since the nursery cleaning. I’m waiting for a dinner menu.


    Life is good! Healthy babies are a miracle!!

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    Categories: Jana, Tiago