Category: Benji

    Last Day of School

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    School is over! Friday was our last day!

    My Kinder, 2nd and 4th graders are on to another year…

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    After school on Friday we had a neighborhood party with MOST of the new neighborhood. Pizza and popsicles and water guns. It was fun to meet some more of the neighbors and let the kids be crazy. And now we are ready for SUMMER VACATION!!


    Categories: Benji, Cali, Packer


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    We went and toured the Payson Temple! We tried to get tickets and couldn’t and then some afternoon tickets became available so I grabbed them and we went! and it was great. Ben had to work BUT Jamie offered to take Millie so… I took the 5 other kids and we had a really good afternoon at the temple. It was neat to let the kids see the temple and to watch their expressions. Their little legs were hurting and Rose had blisters by the end but otherwise it was wonderful. I love the temple. I love that my girls bust out in the temple song when we drive by. I’m so glad we made the time to go to this open house.

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    The Prophet talked about temples in General Conference last month and I loved it:

    “My brothers and sisters, in our lives we will have temptations; we will have trials and challenges. As we go to the temple, as we remember the covenants we make there, we will be better able to overcome those temptations and to bear our trials. In the temple we can find peace.

    The blessings of the temple are priceless. …  May our Heavenly Father bless us that we may have the spirit of temple worship, that we may be obedient to His commandments, and that we may follow carefully the steps of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”  Thomas S. Monson (April, 2015)

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    Categories: Benji, Cali, Jana, Packer, Raymond, Rose

    Pine Wood Derby

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    Cub Scout Pinewood Derby 2015!

    We actually had fast cars this years! Benji and Packer both did a good job and Ben helped them get good alignment and weight and it was fun to see them win. Benji was really in shock when he kept winning. He got 1st place!! and Packer got 3rd! I think I’m still in shock. I always prep the boys  that they will probably lose and maybe even be really slow and that it’s OK to lose and…

    Benji's car

    Benji’s car

    Packer's car

    Packer’s car







    Race Time

    Race Time

    Pack 844

    Pack 844

    w/ Luca and his Blue Penguin Car

    w/ Luca and his Blue Penguin Car

    Categories: Benji, Packer

    100th Day

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    Cali is still loving kindergarten! and her reading is really taking off.

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    and when we went for teacher conferences Benji showed me that his art was out on the Wall of Fame! All of the kids are doing well in school!


    Categories: Benji, Cali

    Christmas Concert

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    The kids LOVED singing at school on Friday! Cali is a real performer. Pack was excited to learn all the words to the Grinch and Benji was embarrassed because they had to sing Santa Baby. and I was a very poor photographer with lots of babies hanging on my arms…

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    Categories: Benji, Cali, Packer

    End of Fall SOccer!

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    Benji’s team was undefeated. They have been together for a long time now and they are a lot of fun.

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    Benji is a good shielder and passer. He likes Defense.

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    Cali is pretty aggressive. They had a young team this year so it was a rough, lose every game season. But She and Mia have fun out there. Cali always volunteers for everything – take a break? play defender? Stay in? – doesn’t matter what coach asks – she’ll says she’ll do it. Go Lightning Crashers!

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    Look at how close Packer is to the goal! and I was proud of him for going to the middle to wait for the pass. They are learning. I got to go to Packer’s game without any kids on the last game so I got lots of good pictures of him:

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    Categories: Ben, Benji, Cali, General, Packer

    Getting to Know Benji

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    Benji is 9 years old. He is an easy going kid. He is usually in a good mood and has learned that it is best to just be helpful and responsible and this will produce good results. He is pretty easy to wake up in the morning. He gets up at 7am for school. He gets dressed and then eats. He combs his hair, brushes teeth and makes sure his back pack is ready to go. At 7:45 he runs to the stop sign to meet up with the neighbors and walk to school. After school he often has a plan in his mind… sometimes it is to play with a friend or look up a new tablet app or Read. If things don’t go as he hoped or planned then he does get moody on us! He is pretty good about jumping in and getting his homework done – 30 minutes of reading, 10 minutes of math and 10 minutes of spelling. He gets 100% on his spelling. He never studies but does well in most subjects. He loves to hang out with his dad at night. He and Packer MUST go to bed at the same time – between 8 and 9pm. They still choose to share a bed. And he would rather go to bed early than stay up reading.

    Benji always gets the BUG award at school and the teachers usually write similar comments: He is a great student, attentive, not distracting, helpful… and they have all said that he “says funny things”! I wonder what he says? He has become a funny kid. I enjoy his humor. I enjoy that he finally learned that it is fun to play with his younger siblings.

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    Benji is not a huge sports fan but he is sticking with soccer and learning how to shield and be a little more aggressive. Sometimes he will watch a football or basketball game with Ben and I. We are pushing him to try wrestling this year and I’m anxious to start piano lessons. Benji is big into music. He really enjoys a good beat and loves dancing.

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    Categories: Benji