Month: October 2019

    Dagny is 3

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    We got to go to Dagny’s Birthday Dinner! Nacho Bar and Cake and Ice Cream and Pin the Tail on the Unicorn and Unicorn masks!

    Categories: Robertson

    Fieldtrip to Hee Haw Farms

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    I went on the field trip with Tiago and we had lots of fun. Tiago was a little nervous of the animals but he LOVED the slide. He did some pretty good tricks coming down. Then after the hay ride he searched for the BIGgest pumpkin he could find!

    Glad I got to spend the morning with this little guy. He LOVED every minute of it. He smiled and laughed and hammed up everything we did. Love Him.

    Categories: Tiago

    Rose turned 9!

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    Rose Rose Rose you are 9 years old. Rose Rose Rose you don’t like to be told. Rose Rose Rose we celebrated and had lots of fun, you played and played until your special day was done.

    We opened presents in the morning and then when I picked Millie up from school I made you come out and take a picture in front of the school. You played with all of your gifts after school and then went to Soccer Practice. I made your favorite Sausage Pasta for dinner and then we had cake and Ice Cream and the day was done!

    I can’t believe you are already 9 years old! I would freeze you in time right now because you are the perfect mix of fun and carefree. You are a friend to everyone and you have a smile on your face most of the time. You are good natured and helpful and obedient and such a good daughter.

    Categories: Rose

    Puzzle Day

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    I postponed my puzzle day until Monday! Ben upped the puzzle hardness and doubled it to a 2000 piece since we finished so early last year. Abbie and Erica and Jamie and Michelle and Kristin all came to help me and supplied snacks and COOKIES!

    I love my puzzle day. I love being with my friends and family and chillin and just chatting around and about the puzzle.

    by the end of the night this is all we had!!! Not even close to done 🙁

    Categories: Jana

    Happy Birthday To ME!

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    I had my birthday on a Sunday this year! Ben spoiled me with gifts! and then we had Shae, Ty, Braden and Jacqi over for dinner. Then we had the Nettys over for cake and ice cream and a continuation of puzzle wars and Nertz! We ended the night with spanking train and now I enter my 40’s!!!

    Categories: Jana, Nettesheim, Robertson