Month: January 2024

    Work Party Take 3

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    Ben set up a nice dinner party and white elephant at Antica Sicilia in Millcreek. It was a very fancy meal. They served us family style so we could try all of the different things. I came home with heated snow gloves and an ice maker 🙂 Ben was a superb host and I think everyone really enjoyed it.

    Categories: Ben


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    Cali And Rose let me bribe them with a drink and they cleaned the Toy Room – My Christmas Elfs – And Chewey the Elf. And as soon as the Toy Room is clean then Millie and Tiago had some fun in there. More haircuts and poor Dad ended up in the hospital on December 21 – he had sepsus and some gall stones? He spent a few days trying to get the heart rate down and the infection identified.

    And we finished up our Christmas Shopping for all of the cousins!!

    Categories: General, Nettesheim

    Manila Christmas Sing

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    Each grade performs a Christmas Song. This year the auditorium was so full and so crazy and we could barely see the kds — but it was fun to support them and get in the Christmas Spirit .

    Categories: Millie, Raymond, Tiago


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    Girls v Boys! Lots of creativity and lots of deliberate candy placement! Very Impressive. Grandma and Grandpa couldn’t pick a winner so Abbie came over to try…

    We also played a trivia game that night. Christian the Milker was making us laugh pretty hard.

    Categories: Ben, Nettesheim