Category: Cali

    On the Fifth Day of Pink EYE!


    The first day of pink eye my little cali baby had a left eye swollen shut:


    The 2nd Day of pink Eye my little Cali Baby had 2 red eyes:


    The 3rd Day of pink Eye my little Cali Girl had a Right eye Swollen good:


    The 4th Day of Pink Eye my little Cali Girl was almost looking normal:

    IMG_1003On the 5th Day of Pink Eye my little Cali girl had her pretty blue eyes BACK:


    Categories: Cali

    More of Cali’s Birthday


    We opened presents:IMG_0973IMG_0965IMG_0980and played with the new toys:IMG_0976family came over for cake:IMGP4995

    Cali swiped the cake after singing:IMG_0982

    and no surprise she was a champion cake eater:IMG_0988best for last – I love that she is holding up a number 1 – smart girl:IMG_0994

    Categories: Cali

    CALI is 1 today!


    Cali is our little ball of fun. She is 19 pounds of joy and temper:)  and 26 inches short. She is a crawler. The little bit of hair she has is very blonde. She has 5 teeth but 2 of them are still just breaking through, you can really only see the bottom 2 for now. She loves to eat – bread and fruit are probably her favorites. She likes to play toys, specifically putting little things inside of bigger things. She loves  to be in the same vicinity as her brothers and occasionally steal toys from Packer. She is a sound sleeper. She is just finishing nursing and is switching from 2 naps to 1 longer nap. Benji can always get a smile from her. She says Dada but won’t say Mama. She can wave for Hi and Bye. She has a bad habit of spitting – if you say the spit word she starts and doesn’t stop. She goes and pounds on the door if she thinks we’ve left her. She gives big hugs when you get her out of bed in the morning. This morning she threw the ball back and forth with me. And she loves to put everything in her mouth just like her brother Packer. She has no balance on her feet yet but she can move quickly holding on to the couch or a chair. She has the stairs mastered. Loves bath time and HOT TUB time. We think we’ll keep her!


    And on this first birthday she has PINK EYE (so sad). She looks pretty beat up. We went to insta- care yesterday to get it under control. She is actually full of smiles even if they are just with one eye. She has passed the Eye goo on to me so that stinks and Benji was the first to have it – I’m hoping that Ben and Packer don’t get it but it’s almost inevitable. We spent yesterday cleaning and sanitizing the entire house. My hands are raw from washing them. Please let us be done with this soon.


    Categories: Cali


    9 month stats: Cali is all over the place! She is rolling on the ground, then gets into sitting position, does some crawling, pulls herself to stading up, rolling some more, army crawling. Just going, going, going. She’s starting to get some Whisps of hair on top and her 2 little teeth are cute. She still has rubber band wrists and she weighs….?? Tomorrow we will get her 9 month bath tub picture done to match the boys.
    Sept 13  – now she can clap! it’s something new everyday.

    9 month stats: Cali is all over the place! She is rolling on the ground, then gets into sitting position, does some crawling, pulls herself to stading up, rolling some more, army crawling. Just going, going, going. She’s starting to get some Whisps of hair on top and her 2 little teeth are cute. She still has rubber band wrists and she weighs…actually I don’t know what she weighs, I’ll weigh her after her nap. She just learned how to clap on Sunday! It’s something new everyday. I found her on step number 2 today so it won’t be long till she figures those out too. We have a bathtub picture of each of our kids at 9 months so this was Cali’s 9 month photos…





    She weighs 17 pounds at 9 months.

    Categories: Cali

    Cali Cut Her First Tooth


    Just as I was getting so frustrated that the little one wouldn’t just go to sleep and stay asleep I saw a little tooth just poking through the gums. Poor little thing! And now as I write this I notice the other tooth right there next to it, so both bottom teeth are just coming in! Along with the new teeth she has decided that she can crawl on hands and knees (but only when she wants to) and she can now pull herself up to standing position and she thinks she is soo big when she does this. The funny part is watching her try to sit back down, she gets stuck in stand up position and then gets tired and doesn’t know what to do.  She can get from stomach to sitting which also makes her happy. She loves people food and her bottle. She is into electronics, like obsessed with my phone, computer, the remotes. And she loves being tickled, her laugh is super cute.


    Benji picked our morning snack yesterday. After watching Disney Channel he came up asking if we had tomatoes and cheese and sprinkles. So we picked some tomatoes, cut them in half, then we scooped all of the guts out, put cheese in and Sprinkles on top! WOW! the boys liked them. And that is a pretty healthy snack around these parts and good use of our garden tomatoes so we were all happy.


    Today Benji got to go to his new Pre School and meet his Teacher and see the classroom! HE WAS EXCITED! He did great. He liked his teacher. His cousin Julia is in there with him and 2 other girls from our neighborhood. I got a bunch of “I don’t want to go’s” when it was time to leave so that is a good sign. Hopefully it goes this well next Wednesday on his first day of real school.


    Categories: Benji, Cali

    The Latest


    Cali is getting to be so much fun. She gets super excited and rocks her whole body up and down or back forth. She always does this when I get her up from a nap and often when she’s eating at the table – I worry that she is going to knock her face on the table but she hasn’t yet. She accompanies the rocking with Pterodactyl like squawking that is so fun and cute.

    Last night Ben was playing with the boys. Wrestling and playing on the floor and Cali made her way over there and started climbing on Dad too – It was super cute. She really is part of the family now.

    Yesterday morning around Cali’s first fussy I’m ready for nap time – she wasn’t fussing so I went to check it out and …


    She was downing the hot chips with Packer and Camry!


    hmmm - I have no idea how my carpets get so stained

    hmmm - I have no idea how my carpets get so stained

    and proof to Erica that her kids are hangin in there ( Pacen is back there is you look close)

    and proof to Erica that her kids are hangin in there ( Pacen is back there if you look close)

    I’m watching all of the Harry Potter movies again to refresh my memory before I see the new one. I tried watching with Benji but the boy literally asked a question every 10 seconds! It IS EXHAUSTING to watch a movie this way – I was alseep by 10pm!

    BUT the early bedtime got me out of bed early and I was able to get up and go running. It was a perfect morning for a run, a slight breeze to keep ya cool the whole time. I loved it, until I walked in the house and started sweating like crazy.

    I also thought about weed eating some of our weeds today but I seem to have purchased the worlds worst weed wacker – I can’t make that thing work! Too bad I bought it 3 or 4 years ago so I can’t return it.  I never have been able to use it. Ben can usually make it work but ME, never! lame

    and Packer just chose an orange over an oreo for a lunch treat so maybe there is hope for my kids nutritional habits.

    Categories: Cali, General

    Monday Night

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    On Monday Night we actually had some time and energy so we had family home evening and then Dad set up his tent to make sure that it was good to go for Scout Camp next week and they got to sleep in it!! Cali did not want to miss out on the fun – she screamed more than usual in her bed not wanting to be up in her room. I ended up falling asleep in there too to help the boys fall asleep. They made it through the night though and it brought hours more entertainment the next morning.

    Categories: Benji, Cali, Nettesheim, Packer

    Sundays are the Best Days


    I love Sundays. Today has been so nice and relaxing. We had a good day at church and now we’ve just been enjoying being at home with nowhere to go. Here are the 3 kiddos – Why can’t they smile like this when their hair is combed and their clothes are clean??


    We had pancakes and then naps. Now we’ve played CandyLand, Memory and Disney Sorry. And the current entertainment is home videos – the kids really get into them. I also snuck in a fast photoshoot of Cali because I feel like she is getting too big too fast. She is sitting up without even trying. She can roll, and army crawl. Now she has started the rock and lunge, totally on her knees and thinking about going.


    She has learned how to call for my attention. She loves to play with real toys and be entertained. My little baby is not so little anymore.She eats anything we’ll give her. She sleeps from 9pm to 7:30am. I am still working on getting through more than the first 10 minutes of church with her and she definitely has a stubborn streak but I would almost call her a happy baby these days.


    A few more pictures – she’s just too cute.


    Categories: Cali