Month: February 2020

    Rick – Brain Stem Stroke

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    Wednesday morning January 22 was a scary morning in Mukwonago WI. When Jen tried to wake Rick up he wouldn’t wake up and then he was acting a weird and unsure on his feet and really not acting himself. The ambulance came and took him to the hospital. After a long day of him being unconscious, inserting a breathing tube, and not knowing what was going on the Dr.s determined that he had a massive brain stem stroke!

    Its been almost a month and Rick is hanging in there. We have seen lots of miracles in his recovery! He has been staying in a Rehab hospital with lots of therapy to help him relearn how to think and eat and walk and do! So crazy. He can’t walk on his own. He can’t see well enough to read. He is super tired all of the time. But he does have a lot of his long term and short term memories. He can move all of his body parts and he can think and process. Now it’s just day to day and trying to do as much therapy as he can and praying that his body will continue to recover!

    Jen and the kids have been amazing through this looong month. She gives us daily updates and is always there with Rick and is still balancing being mom. Such a trial and she is being so strong. We’ve all had a hard time with this, wishing we could be there to help!

    Categories: Nettesheim

    Beef Stew

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    My friend Kristin invited me over for lunch! Beef Stew and Delicious dessert and some of my best friends!

    Categories: Jana

    Millie and Tiago

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    Millie is still a fireball around here. She is growing up so much and we just love her.

    Tiago is getting so big. He has been playing with Emily almost every day. They love to play games.

    Categories: General

    Cali got to go to the TEMPLE!

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    We took Cali, Benji and Packer to the temple on a Thursday afternoon! It was so busy but it was so good to be there with 3 of our kids! Cali even gave her testimony about it on the next fast Sunday! Love these guys!

    Categories: General

    Ashlyn, Anna and Ellie

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    Matt and Jamie went to Hawaii so we got to watch 3 of the girls! We had fun having 3 extras in the house and it was fun to get to know Ashlyn better cause she doesn’t come over as much.

    We went to MANILA MOVIE NIGHT! I also had Erica’s kids and Ben and the big boys were at wrestling so… It was an adventure but all of the kids did great and I got to chat with Leslie Sherrif and Abbie!

    The kids played lots of games and we did a puzzle and they put on a few skits for us!

    Categories: Nettesheim