Day: July 15, 2021

    Tiago’s 6th Birthday!!

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    We got home from Mexico just in time to celebrate Tiago! He was a fun present opener and a spoiled little dude: Micromachines! Botbots, Flickin Chickens and SOUR SPRAY!! and then we played with his toys all day.

    Fun with the toys and making sure the pool is ready for the party the next day!

    Spanking Train!!

    Tiago is a smiley and sarcastic 6 year old. He loves to hang with the big kids and he does it well. He likes sports and video games and board games and is very well rounded. He can read but not really good yet. He likes to write notes and clubhouse rules and talk on his walkie talkies. He loves to play with cousins – all ages. And with friends. He loves babies and he still lets me snuggle him and he still tells me that he loves me.

    Categories: Tiago