Mehrtzen Creek

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    One of our other main activities was to drive to Mehrtzen Creek. We went on Tuesday and Friday. It is a creek with a great swimming hole and a rock that we could slide down or jump from and a rope swing. We had a lot of fun just hanging out and watching each other swim and watching the kids explore.

    Down at the River…

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    Maddy, Ella, Cali, Scar, and Lilly

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    Mike, Jaydn, Packer, Payton, Carter, and Benji

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    The Older Generation 🙂

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    Rose and Ray and Cedar and Kinley and Bubs all played in this part of the creek for hours!

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    My mom and Dad always get in! I hope I’m still that fun when I’m older. They don’t just jump in because we make them – they are sometimes the first ones in and they enjoy it.

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    Sean and Brady showing off

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    Jaydn and Benji doing a train

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    The 2nd time there we diverted the water so that we had a longer faster slide…

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    The kids loved these huge leaves… Cali and Brinlee 🙂

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    Ray and Thomas were down at the swimming hole exploring and playing and just having a blast together:

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    The big boys stuck together. Braden, Bryce, and Camden took turns entertaining them.

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    Categories: Robertson

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