Sleep Overs

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    We had Pacen, Camry and Claira over for 2 sleepovers and then we had Mia and Luca over for 2 more sleepovers! I admit that I didn’t have a free hand most of the time so no pictures. But my kids loved it and the guests seemed to have a good time. Today we are back to our easy family of three kids – but Cali does have a cold so not as easy as usual. Cali was a champion closet sleeper for those 4 nights but not such a good toy sharer.  Wait I did take one picture with the cousins:

    It snowed all morning so we declared a snow day and watched movies and played video games. Then the sun came out after lunch and we were a little more productive, just a little though.

    I just found my phone in the cupboard next to the garbage can! – Thanks Cali!

    The kids new favorite game is “Animal Change” – I tried to name it “Animal Transformation” but I was quickly told that Benji had a better name 🙂 I call out an animal and all of the kids pretend to change into that animal and imitate it. They love to be the baby animals. Porcupines and Kitty Cats are the favorites.

    I dreamed about Brazil last night, walking and talking Portuguese, vivid memories, and then my brain just tried to recall everything and everyone from the mission days – maybe that’s why I’ve been exhausted today?!

    Categories: General

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