Sunday Night


    Almost Every Sunday Night we have some of my family over for dinner and games. If everyone can make it then it is Ryan, Tara and 4 girls, Joel, Brady, Sean and Kelsey. So we have 8 adults and 9 kids and whatever friend Brady brings along (Usually Casey these days). I love that they all take the time to play with the kids. This last Sunday Kelsey and Brady got a hold of the camera so we got some fun pictures:

    Kelsey and my babies

    Rose is finally warming up to everyone - she used to roll her eyes and pretend not to look at you - now she begs to be thrown on the bean bag

    Cali "play with me"

    Sean taking a homework break, trying to beat Ben's score on Whale Trail

    Kelsey is 12 years younger than I am so she was only 6 yrs old when I left for College! I'm glad they come to college out here so I can see them.

    Rose Loves her Baby - she even does baby talk when she says Baby

    More play time - Benji seems to be eluding my camera lately - he disappears when there are cousins to play with.

    Prayers, hugs and the kids to bed!

    I love having so much family! that must be why I keep going through these pregnancies and adding to my own chaos. Family is my favorite!

    This last Sunday was Rose’s first time going to Nursery! She technically still had 2 weeks until she is 18 months but our nursery leaders are WONDERFUL and they let her in, and let her cry for 20 minutes and then when they pulled out the bubbles she forgot about crying and had a great time at nursery. We will see how she does this Sunday. Raymond had his first full 3 hours of church and he slept threw the entire thing in his car seat.

    glad my babies had a good Sunday

    PS – Rose even added the word “bubble” to her vocabulary! baby, mom, baba (bottle), more, please. This week she has been saying “sorry” to Cali a lot and she really tries to say the word. She also just started trying to say the kids names and started playing the “Rosie say… (pick a word)” game. She can also do the face game – show me your eyes, ears, mouth, tongue, nose, teeth, hair… and she tries to say each of those words! I’m excited. It makes a world of difference when a child can tell you what they want 🙂

    Categories: General, Robertson, Rose

    2 Replies to “Sunday Night”

    1. Thats why we get along so well…. we both keep havin’ kids cause we LOVE family! So Rose went to nursery? Lucky! Ezra screamed and screamed! We have like 20 kids in there with 3 adults… so after an hour of screaming, they finally brought him to me. Blah!

    2. I just updated myself on your life by finally checking your blog after a few weeks. Holy smokes you are a busy lady, thanks for posting so much. Sure love your fam, you are doing such a great job!

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