Another Busy Week

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    On Saturday I started complaining about my throat hurting (on the outside) and my muscles felt like I had hiked a mountain but I hadn’t done anything. Sunday morning I debated on staying home from church but decided I was ok. By the time Monday came I was exhausted and SICK. I declared a sick day. Moms rarely get sick days but I needed one. My WONDERFUL mother-in-law came and watched the kids while I took myself to the Dr. Then she took the kids home with her so I could rest and brought them back with dinner made! I rested all day and went to bed early and today I am on the up and up. Dr said it’s a virus and I just need to wait it out.

    Dr also said not to kiss any of my cute babies! that is hard!

    So today I did not declare a sick day. I went and voted first thing this morning. I did 2 loads of dishes that had piled up during my sick day and started the piles of laundry. I took a trip to Vital Records in Provo so that we could get Raymond’s birth certificate so that Ben can get his paternity leave. We stopped by Big 5 and the Dollar Store and I came home warn out. The big kids went to play with cousins and the babies and I are just waking up from our naps!

    This is not ok!

    On top of the sickness we have been Dying of heat! The weather has been hot and it only gets down to the 70’s at night and our AC decided to not work. So we are stuck at a sweaty 80 degrees. Ben and I have been sleeping downstairs where it is a little cooler but it’s still hot. Rose wakes up drenched from her naps. Anyway I called the AC peops and they scheduled me for Wednesday BUT I got a call during nap time saying they would be right over because they had a cancellation!!! The good news is the pipe inside was frozen over and should just need to thaw out and then we’ll be back in business. This is caused by a dirty filter which we changed out a few days ago but it must have already been frozen. Other good news he didn’t charge me for the diagnosis. The next few hours will tell if he was correct. I kept my appointment for tomorrow just in case 🙂

    Before I got sick we had some fun days! 🙂 Sean and Erika Thal came to play with us last Monday. They live in Kaysville – only an hour away but we rarely see each other. We hung out Monday afternoon and went to Pizza Pie Cafe for dinner and came back and swam in the hot tub and played with water balloons. It was super fun and our kids got along really well.

    Colby, Cooper, Rose, Kenzie, Cali, Benji, Carter, Packer and Ray

    The next day was my Grandpa Johnson’s birthday so the kids and I went and ate cupcakes with them and wished him a happy birthday!

    Elma, Arden and Raymond 🙂

    Wednesday we decided to got to the cheap night at the carnival for Pleasant Grove strawberry Days! The kids loved it. Unfortunately Rose cried almost the entire time. It all started when she handed the guy her ticket to ride and he handed it back saying she was too small 🙁 I felt bad so I took her on the carousel but it was broken so she cried in line while we waited and then she cried when it was time to get off. BUT we had fun and came home and ate Strawberries and Cream.

    Rose was happy for a few minutes.

    Benji, Packer and Cali rode this one together. They loved it.

    Thursday is kind of a blur. Friday we went to the PG pool. Amelia came with us and helped the kids swim. That night we let the kids choose dinner – it was all sweet and Ben and I felt ill. We watched a movie with the kids and tried to sleep in our hot house. Saturday morning we went to the Parade! It was HOT but fun. And that ended Strawberry Days. Benji and Packer managed to stay up late on Thursday and Saturday nights because they had read that there would be fireworks at the rodeo so they waited until they heard the noise and then we went in our backyard and watched the fireworks both nights. We finished off Saturday at the PG pool and then dinner at the Falabella’s (Udine’s mom is visiting from Guatemala and she made some yummy food for us). That brings us back to today. I’m still not feeling 100% but I am feeling better. I scored 2 goals in my soccer game tonight so I guess I’m not too sick 🙂 Good night.

    friday night "best dinner ever"

    Categories: General, Jana

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