Cali is 4!

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    We had a birthday and she loved being the center of attention. Cali turned 4 on December 6th! TIME FLIES.

    She got to take her All About Me Poster to preschool on Tuesday!

    Cali on December 4th – ready for Preschool!

    We woke up early and opened Presents on her birthday! She got a doll that came with hair accessories so you can do her hair. An Ariel Barbie. A Skylander like her brothers get. She got some clothes and the game UNO MOO. It was enough to keep us busy for the day and she and Rosie have played non stop.

    combing her dolls hair

    Uno Moo was a hit.

    All the Loot! I think it took her 5 minutes to open everything. There was no stalling in between gifts.

    She also got to open her presents from my parents and we had cookies and ice cream for a treat that night. The Falabella’s stopped by in the evening and we skyped with 3 of my sisters so it was a busy night. Cali was very gracious all day. She said thank you for her gifts one hundred times, “thanks for getting me this”, and “thanks mom!” were her phrases of the day.

    princess chair from grandma and grandpa robertson!

    The funniest thing she said was right before lunch time she was getting upset about something and she stopped everything and said, “Wait, do I cry when I’m 4?” So cute. And precious. She and I have butt heads a lot over the last 2 years but we are both growing up and communicating better. Cali shared her new presents so well and has really adjusted well to helping Rose and Ray get their way most of the time. Cali is our social bug. She loves all things girly right now and is still the little mom of the house. We love her a ton.

    Make a wish!

    We had the youngest cousins over the next morning so we saved the real cake for that party. Pictures coming soon.

    Categories: Cali

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