Day: August 1, 2008

    Our Sports Nut

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    This Kid Loves His Sports! Benji catches Rolly Polly Bugs and Packer Climbs in the Sports Bin to see what he can find!? To Each his own. 

    sports nut

    Categories: Packer

    Kangaroo Zoo

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    The kids had a fun night at Kangaroo Zoo with their cousins. It’s a bunch of blow up bouncy houses and slides and the kids just went crazy for 2 hours!

    Pack at Kangaroo Zoo

    Packer Chews on EVERYTHING!


    Benji is at the top of this Dragon Slide Screaming for his mom – I just wanted a picture of him sliding down.

    happy Benji This is more his Style – posing on the low step.

    Categories: Benji, Packer

    Sore Wrist

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    I have had a sore wrist ( maybe sprained – don’t know) and I have been out of commission and a  big Whiner. It hurts to pour milk and to sweep the floor and to pick up the kids and to undo the sippy and to lift Benji onto the toilet and to drive and to stir/cook and make sandwiches and feed the dog and … you never realize how many little things you do all day long that you just need to be able to do or else the house and kids don’t function… Being Healthy just moved up on my gratitude list!

    Categories: Jana