Day: September 28, 2009

    Primary Shout Out

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    This is my shout out to Benji’s primary leaders and teachers. Sunday evening Packer was making a wish with a dandelion so Benji went down the street and found a dandelion so that he could do the same. SO he was super excited to tell me his wishes and they were:

    I wish that families could be together forever.

    I wished that all babies could be born. (that one was precious, he is very aware and understands what has been going on with the miscarriage.)

    I wish that there was no crying.

    And I wish that we could go to church every time.

    He could not quit talking about primary and his teacher and his music leader and all of the stuff that he learned. He really is a sponge right now. He soaks in everything that he can. His preschool teacher also said that he is a great student. Listens, does his work, answers questions. He really is a good kid. We love him.

    Categories: Benji