Day: January 7, 2010


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    I just posted about the other 2 children so this one goes out to Packer.

    Here he is with his cousins that are 6 months older and 6 months younger. The 3 of them had a very hard time getting along. It really proved the terrible 2’s saying.

    Packer: I wish you would take a nap once in a while.

    Are you ready to go without a sippy or is that why you are grouchy today?

    Packer loves his patterns and collections – I’m shocked every time he uses these words.

    We dropped Benji off for school and I said bye and I love you and then from the back seat Packer chimes in, “We love you Benji.” He really can be sweet. And then on the way to the store he wanted to wait and so he could go with Benji. He really looks up to his older brother.

    Categories: Packer

    Our CREATIVE Child

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    “Benji, you spelled your name wrong on your paper!”

    “Ya, I wanted to do it backwards and funny today.”

    (on the back I found this cute picture of our family!)

    Categories: Benji

    Boy or Girl

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    Cali loves her Christmas Present! She had her cousin over to play with her today and all ages seem to have fun with the elephant tent.

    I need a green or white or black bow so that Cali can support the Packers but still be identified as a girl. I’ll put that on my list cause it doesn’t look like we’ll be making pony tails quite yet.

    Categories: Cali