Day: August 5, 2010

    Packer + Potty Training = Exhausting

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    Packer has been 3 for 3 months now. I feel like 3 is old enough to learn to use the toilet so I have been trying to potty train off and on since his birthday. BUT he has no interest and I can’t seem to find the right motivation for him. At first he really didn’t get it. Then he mastered the peeing but wanted nothing to do with the other. Now he can do both but he really just doesn’t want to. I’ve tried every bribe I can think of and he just doesn’t care, but sometimes he does care so I am trying to capitalize on those times… Anyway, it’s been a long week. I came home Monday morning claiming that this was it, this week he gets potty trained. No WAY am I having 3 kids in diapers… I bought pull ups for the first time ever and I got out the little toilet – he was excited! That first day he peed every 20 minutes so that he could put a sticker on his Buzz Light Year chart but… as soon as we went on a walk that night – he pooped his pants! Tuesday was OK until he went to the cousins, Wednesday he had just lost all interest… So today, I am recommitted. I was a mean mommy and kept him home from his cousins house today. I told him that he had to stay home and learn how to use the toilet before he got to go play with the big boys. He was mad at first but then he didn’t care and JUST NOW – he went up and pooped on the big toilet! I asked if he needed to pee even though he just did 20 minutes ago and he went up and did it!! I AM SO EXCITED! He was so excited, we did stickers and treats and he got a new book out of the prize bag! Please let this be a big step forward!?! PLEASE.

    Categories: Packer