Day: April 24, 2014

    Raymond’s Nap Time, Defiance, Departure, Walk, Search

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    This kid challenges us in new ways, different than the previous 4 kids ever did. He has his own look and HIS OWN way of life. Here’s the story of the week…

    Millie started crying during the first 30 minutes of church. Benji came out soon after with a stomach ache. He threw up and then Ben brought Ray out with a stinky diaper. So I took the fussy, barfy and poopy kids home from church to deal with them.

    I got Benji and Millie settled and then I put Raymond down for a nap. He immediately climbed out of his crib and I immediately put him back in. And then we repeated that scenario and then I blocked the door with a suit case and left.


    A few minutes later I came up and found him happy in the toy room so I just let it be.


    Next Benji and I hear the front door open and close so I go and see what he is up to. He just walked out the door


    and down the driveway


    and passed our house


    and passed Falabella’s house


    and to the corner: and by this time I was following in the shadows because REALLY how far is this little 2 year old going to go??


    And then as I came around the side of the neighbor’s house he caught sight of me and came over to talk.


    I asked him where he was going and he said : “to Daddy” We talked a little more and he said he was going to the Temple! From what I could tell he really wanted to get back to church with Dad and his nursery! So cute right? Except that he just left and had no worries and no sense of direction!


    This kid is something else – that is for sure.

    Categories: Raymond