Day: November 20, 2014


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    Today is November 17th, 18th, 19th! The 11th month of the year is more than half way over! 2 more days have gone by since I tried to start this blog post ๐Ÿ™‚


    Millie is SO MUCH FUN!


    Benji and Packer got to see Big Hero 6 for their “Dad Night”. Benji read the book a few months ago so he was super excited and all 3 of them loved it!


    We got a keyboard! I want the kids to learn to play. I would like to learn also but… we will see. I love Rosie’s cute curls in this picture.


    The Girl climbs on Everything and thinks she’s a riot.


    SEE! I don’t know if she’s laughing at me or at herself but she is full of smiles and giggles and We Love Her!

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    Cali and Ray getting in my face! They are Cuties.


    Rose and Millie hiding behind the couch. Millie tries to keep up with the big kids. Sometimes Millie just ends up running laps around the couch.


    After Kindergarten and Lunch we try and have quiet time. Rose and Cali are acting out Frozen in this picture.

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    We had our first snow! The younger kids were mesmerized. Rose and Ray ran out not realizing the effects of the cold snow on their little fingers!


    Wrestling with Dad is still a favorite! I am usually close by on the couch enjoying a few minutes of social media and waiting to comfort whatever kids get hurt.


    Uncle Joel and Millie waiting for Sunday Dinner.


    I’ve been REALLY nice this month and let the kids do PLAY-Do – TWICE. ย They really do love it.

    The older boys seem to avoid my camera during the school weeks. On Monday I made them a lunch like I always do but I didn’t put a ‘treat’ in. When they got home from school the first thing they wanted to talk about was why they didn’t have a treat in their lunch and if I forgot!? I told them they are spoiled and they have plenty to eat in their lunches and they don’t need a treat EVERY time. Well, Ben over heard this conversation so the next day he made the boys lunch and he gave them a sandwich with 3 Treats! They came home from school and told me all about the AWESOME lunch they had! too funny

    Also yesterday was PACKERS BEST DAY EVER! He came home from school in such a good mood and SOO happy. He said it was an amazing day because he got to move his good behavior clip up and then he FINALLY passed his +3’s in minute math. He had an amazing lunch and then his teacher said he was being so good that he got to wear his good behavior clip! This is like the ultimate reward for his class. He was seriously beaming when he got home and so happy that he had such a good day.

    I also had a great day yesterday. I had to renew my license so I went and did that and it was fairly quick so I checked in with Brady who was tending the kids. He said all was well so I went to the Mall. I can’t remember the last time I shopped at the mall. I’m really not a good mall shopper but it was fun to be out and see what gifts are out there this Holiday season. I even splurged and got In and Out on the drive home ๐Ÿ™‚ I had a relaxing afternoon with the kids and then Ben brought dinner home! Delicious Chinese food and the kids all loved it and we just had an easy, relaxing night.

    Yeah for November!

    Categories: General