and then we got sick

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    And then your baby gets sick and none of the other stuff matters! (life can stand still)

    Millie has been sick since we got back from California!

    The first 4 days she was Feverish and grumpy. Then she got Snotty and coughing. I kept thinking she was getting better but then she would have another fever. By the weekend she was no longer grumpy, just Lethargic and started laboring to breath. So On Sunday the 11th I got worried and took her to instacare.
    I’m sure I waited too long but… It was a wait it out illness and I was trying to wait it out. But her oxygen levels were low and her body seemed like it was using all of its resources to breath and none to fight the virus. They gave her an oxygen treatment and antibiotic for an ear ache and then sent us to check in at the hospital since her levels were still too low.
    SO.. after oxygen for 24 hours she started looking better and her levels stayed up on their own! She was still grumpy and coughing and sleepy after 2 days at the hospital but ready for her own bed and family. She had successfully pushed away every Dr and nurse. And HATED being hooked to the oxygen and heart rate machines. We got to bring her home Tuesday afternoon and she seemed delighted to see her siblings and her chair at the table. She was still wimpy and had to relearn how to walk and was a major grump but none of that mattered because we were in our house with our beds.

    That night Raymond and Rose started throwing up! And then Thursday and Friday Millie started throwing up. We are still dealing with diarrhea but I feel like we are finally going to get over the sickness and back to real life. Today makes 2 full weeks of sickness. 2 constant weeks! But we finally got some smiles from our sweet Millie.

    We have truly missed our Sit on your face, Stand on the table, Climb on the fireplace, Dance to the music and break everyone’s toys little sweetheart!… We have missed her big laugh and smile. I’m still waiting for my old Millie to be 100% but so happy that she is getting better. Goodbye RSV/Bronchiolitis with an ear infection on top, and Don’t come back!

    We had so much support from family and friends! THANK YOU EVERYONE.

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    Pictures from before the hospital and then at the hospital…

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    not happy

    not happy

    I did enjoy my snuggle time - MIllie is usually good for a quick hug and then off to play... She and I took a lot of naps together.

    I did enjoy my snuggle time – MIllie is usually good for a quick hug and then off to play… She and I took a lot of naps together.

    IMG_20150112_180605 IMG_20150112_185157

    Millie did not like this Jail Crib!

    Millie did not like this Jail Crib!

    I had the nurses move the regular bed over close to the oxygen and that was much better for all of us.

    I had the nurses move the regular bed over close to the oxygen and that was much better for all of us.

    once she pulled the oxygen tubes off and the nurses stopped checking on her she slept like a rock.

    once she pulled the oxygen tubes off and the nurses stopped checking on her she slept like a rock.

    And then we came home to recover and throw up a little…

    Megan braved the sick house and did some projects with the non sick kids!

    Megan braved the sick house and did some projects with the non sick kids!

    Two barfers!

    Two barfers!

    Cali drew a picture of us - she missed us. All the kids were EXCITED when we came home.

    Cali drew a picture of us – she missed us. All the kids were EXCITED when we came home.

    Millie threw up so bad I had to put the whole crib in the bath.

    Millie threw up so bad I had to put the whole crib in the bath.

    "I don't trust any of you anymore."

    “I don’t trust any of you anymore.”

    my sweet almost healthy babies :)

    my sweet almost healthy babies 🙂

    Categories: Millie

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