over due


    I have been informed that I am overdue in publicly announcing my pregnancy to the blogging world…
    So here is the official announcement… We are expecting a baby on September 30th!!
    I am enjoying this last little bit of a lot of things before the little one takes over my body. It may sound harsh but it is true, the baby does take over. Top on the list is still being able to bend over, followed closely by playing a few more sports before I have to get in shape all over again and then Sleeping on whatever side I want or even on my back. I don’t love being pregnant but I love being a mom and I love having the little babies in our home and part of our family.  WE ARE EXCITED!

    Categories: Jana

    9 Replies to “over due”

    1. Man, I knew it! Talking to you at playgroup today, I could just sense it. 🙂 Congrats! Hope you’re feeling okay!

    2. Congratulations! That is awesome news. You have a beautiful family. p.s. I knew exactly what this post was going to say when I saw the title 🙂

    3. yeah. I’ve been waiting for this public announcment. congratulations. joshua was due on september 30th too. There we have it, it must be a boy. and watch, he’ll be born on the 22nd too. I know this all sounds a little far fetched, but don’t forget who guessed your mission correct :). take care and hope you’re feeling good.

    4. I hear ya I don’t like being pregnant either but I do enjoy the outcome. They do take over your body:)

    5. Finally! I wasn’t sure when I could tell people we were all due at the same time. I mean seriously, what are the odds? Me, you, and Erica! Crazy! And mine on your birthday and you and Erica the same day? Well, I guess we’ll see how the all end up coming. I hope you’re feeling ok! Love you! Congratulations!

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